- With a promise to return, the heroes teleport to the underdark where Griften had scried S’Thiss days earlier.
- Beginning to make their way deeper into the underdark, the come across a dark, cold pool, and as they sneak across, Griften notices a ripple in the water…
- Aboleth attack the heroes, and J’afrock uses his magic item to lower the water to better reach their quarry.
- Easily Dominating the half-orc, the aboleth turn him against his friends, and he cuts deep into Griften.
- Ashreal‘s air elemental crushes the abolet and J’afrock‘s mind is returned to him.
- As the heroes are recuperating at the bottom of the pool, they are set upon by 4 or 5 drow scouts.
- J’afrock raises the water and engages drow; killing three in mere seconds with his massive, cleaving strikes.
- Ashreal summons three dire bears to finish the lone scout, and keeps them to protect the heroes.
- Griften teleports the unconscius and poisoned Heren’kar back to the Oytwood Forest near his Citadel to allow the now cured poison effects to wear off in safety.
- Continuing further down, and after dispelling protective glyphs of Drow design, the heroes engage a throng of giant spiders
- Realizing they’re near a drow outpost, Griften summons a few ectoplasmic constructs, with instructions to go and engage the Drow that are firing their crossbows from ledges above
- Ashreal launches a waterball up at the drow, and they are stunned by the blast
- The constructs get caught in the webbing that is holding aloft the massive citadel
- J’afrock meets one of the drow on a lower ledge and dispatches him so quickly, he is able to continue fighting upwards
- As more reinforcements charge the webs that surround the tower, the heroes quickly realize that their fight would be through hundreds of Drow instead of only a few. The well-protected outpost could prove too dangerous to continue inwards to save Talen
- With a quick shout, Griften calls for J’afrock to fly down to them so they can retreat down the corrider to regain their composure.
- Exposed and vulnerable, the heroes collect back in the hallway and seal themselves off with one of Ashreal‘s Walls of Ice.