Category: — HERO GROUP —

Return to the Hellhole


The Demon’s Crown

Friday the 13th…

The Stone Thief’s Legacy

At Your Service…

Each Hero Was Quiet


This Way or That

Mistress of the Estate

The Manor on the Hill


Rescuing Ursel

Protected: The End of a Living Dungeon

NPC Highlight: Nymeria

Protected: The Archmage’s Comet

Stone Thief Aftermath

Hive Mind

New Faces and Magic Pixie Mud


Thaliyah Drayel

Mech Shezzan


Madness Threatens

Cillian Serper

A Familiar Enemy

Protected: All the Rage

Protected: 2023-07-26 – The Heroes of Starport

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: 2023-06-24 – The Undaunted

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: 2023-05-31 – Heroes of Starport

Protected: 2023-05-24 – The Undaunted

Protected: The Sacrifice

Protected: 2023-05-10 – The Undaunted

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: OaGaDOM 9

Protected: 2023-03-29 – The Undaunted

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: 2023-03-08 – Heroes of Starport

Protected: Knock Knock. Why Are You There?

Protected: Picking up after october 5th 2022!

Protected: 2023-02-15 – The Undaunted

Protected: OaGaDOM 8

Protected: 2023-02-08 – The Undaunted

Protected: OaGaDOM 7

Protected: 2023-01-25 – The Undaunted

Protected: OaGaDOM 6

Protected: 2023-01-18 – The Undaunted

Protected: OaGaDOM 5

Protected: 2022-12-28 – The Undaunted

Protected: 2022-12-21 – The Undaunted

Protected: OaGaDOM 4

Protected: OaGaDOM 3

Protected: The forest here was thinning…

Protected: 2022-11-16 – The Undaunted

Protected: The Sewers

Protected: 2022-10-19 – The Undaunted

Protected: 2022-10-12 – The Undaunted

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: The Heroes of Starport

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: 2022-09-07 – The Heroes of Starport

Protected: Shockquake: The Beatsmith Market

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: The Sleeping Prisoners

Protected: Giantwalk, Part 2

Giantwalk, Part 1

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: The Heroes of Starport

Protected: Hot Pursuit

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: The Champions of The Empire

Laudralic Vorhai

Champions of the Empire: Prologue

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: 2022-06-15 – Heroes of Starport

Protected: Heroes of Starport

NPC Highlight: The Emerald Enclave

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: 2022-05-11 – Heroes of Starport

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: Visions in Time

Protected: 2022-04-21 – Heroes of Starport

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: The Face of Fate?

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: Heroes of Starport

Protected: The Heroes of Starport

Protected: The Heroes of Starport

Protected: 2022-02-10 – The Heroes of Starport

Protected: 2022-02-03

Protected: In Pursuit of Toren and Russit

Protected: Not Quite as Advertised

Protected: 2021-12-16

Protected: 2021-12-08

Protected: The Heroes of Starport

Protected: Nov.24 Session

Protected: Heroes of Ironfort!

Protected: The Descent

Protected: The Serpent’s Tale, Part III

Protected: The Slopes of Balor

Protected: Altering the Deal…

Protected: Feasting & Fighting

Protected: … to Ironfort!

The Heroes of Starport: Prologue

The Serpent’s Tale, Part II

The Serpent’s Tale, Part I

Protected: The Colour of One’s Character

Staying at Anvil (or Forge?!)

Protected: Puki’s Truth Revealed!

Protected: The Mystery on Stoneroost

Protected: 2021-09-02 – The Undaunted

Protected: Casila Artalin – the Witch

Protected: Casila’s Mansion

Protected: The Dwarven Vault

Protected: The Pit of Undigested Ages & Quillgate Library

Protected: Guardians of the Stair

Protected: The Clock and The Bridges

Protected: The Winding Stair

Protected: F2F – Last Orc Standing

Protected: Fangrot Strike Force!

Protected: Not So Swift and Deadly

Protected: Plotting with Greyface

Protected: Thinning the Herd

Protected: Rescuing the Survivors

The Fall of Hildebrande

Protected: No Rest for the Wicked

Protected: Too Greedily and Too Deep

Protected: Cornellion’s Betrayal

Protected: Hildebrande & The Queen’s Wood

Protected: Securing the Ingredients

Protected: The Dream Gauntlet

Protected: The Overworld

Protected: Finally… the Eye

Protected: The Cloud Giants

Waiting for Cloud Giants

Protected: Investigative Ping Pong

Rasputin…. ALIVE?!

Interrogating a Rakshasa

Protected: Eye for an Eye

Protected: Climbing the Tree

Protected: Meeting Nioba

Protected: The Grove

Protected: Session – 2021-01-18

Protected: Deep Keep

Protected: Totally Tubular, Man

Protected: The Evolved Flesh Tailor

Protected: Meeting the Provost

Back and Forth!

Protected: Return to the Maw

Protected: Following Nuzbok Through Portal to Gardmore!

Protected: Nuzbok Attacks

Protected: Deeper into the Maw

Protected: 2020-11-23

Idris Looks for Answers

Waiting for you

Protected: Ambush & Celebration

Protected: The Sacred Cave

Protected: The Koru Behemoth

A Job for Viper Celia

Protected: In Pursuit of More Answers

Protected: Mausoleum Dragons & More

Protected: The Hunt for Casila Artalin

Protected: In Pursuit of Casila

The Sword of Light: Reforged!

Protected: The Brothers

Protected: The Secret of Hildebrande

Protected: Against the Stone Thief

Protected: Discovery Starts at the Top!

Protected: The Casila Plot

Protected: Chasing Shadows

Protected: Jumping Through Hoops

Interviewing Casila: Real or Fake?

The Puzzle Takes Shape…

Protected: Agents of the Blue

Protected: 2020-09-24

Protected: 2020-09-21

Protected: 2020-09-14

Protected: 2020-09-10

Protected: 2020-09-07

New Learning: The Stone Thief

Protected: 2020-09-03

Protected: 2020-08-31

Protected: Chasing Down the Stragglers


Protected: Victory!

Protected: 2020-08-19

Protected: The Sun Cult

Protected: Deeper Into the Moathouse

Protected: 2020-08-04

A Question of Morality

Protected: 2020-07-31

En Route

Protected: Heroes vs. Siege Towers!

Protected: The Siege of Briarfort

Protected: Reluctant Recluse

A Welcome Back to Hildebrande

Protected: 2020-07-17

Protected: In the Court of the Elf Queen


Othorion Tyvollus

Maximus Decimus Meridius

Protected: Haladavar



I Must Return…

Protected: 2020-07-09

Attack Aftermath

Protected: 2020-07-07


Protected: The Waterfall

Protected: 2020-06-27

Protected: 2020-06-24

A Premonition?

Protected: 2020-06-19

Protected: Scarsdale Dungeons


Protected: 2020-06-12 – Wrath of the Orc Lord

Protected: 2020-06-11

Resting & Reflecting

Protected: 2020-06-05

Protected: Into Scarsdale

Protected: Frostburn

Protected: The Ruins of Ironvale

Protected: 2020-05-27

A Difference of Opinion

Protected: 2020-05-20

Protected: Into the Frozen North



Protected: The Gate of Stars (Saving Starport)

Protected: 2020-05-12

Protected: 2020-05-06

Protected: The Staff of Stars

Protected: Space Invaders!

Protected: The Doomsday Weapon

Protected: 2020-04-28

Deeper into the Dragon Wood

Protected: 2020-04-21

Protected: Slaying of the Basilisk

Protected: 2020-04-15 – The Undaunted – Dual Campaign Session & WELCOME MAX!

Rescue the Captives

No Peace in Candlefen

They’re Not From Here… & WELCOME MAX!

Merian Urankhorn

Rainier Wolfcastle


Magnus Darkblood

Gallydyn Beluar



Protected: Marrowbreath, Escort & Ambush!

Protected: The Siege of Harrowdale

No Rest for the Wicked and the Good Don’t Need Any

Protected: An Errand for Moz

Protected: Crate & Beatstick

Protected: Fate Still Follows

Protected: The Redfangs

Protected: 2020-03-18


Seekers of the Lost: Ended


Protected: Pursuing Garados

Protected: Investigating the Seekers of the Lost


Protected: Ending the Song

Protected: The Ritual

Protected: Chasin’ Drug Dealers

Protected: Exploring the Dream Theater

Protected: The Dream Theater

Protected: Elsa Whiterose’s Mission

Protected: Leaving the Dead Vaults

Protected: The Dead Vaults

Protected: Brewery Aftermath

Protected: Investigating the Square

Protected: Shadows Over Eldolan

A Letter from Eldolan


Nidalru Phiendath



Protected: Kane’s Guises

A Leaf on the Wind

Planning Again!

Where Do We Go From Here?

Protected: Azaltin, Revealed!

Protected: Lich Hunters, Inc., Part II

Protected: Lich Hunters, Inc.

Information Faruq gleans from The Lions of Tomorrow

Protected: Planning Session

Lions of Tomorrow Notes from Kazerabet

Protected: Doubt, Despair, & Death

Protected: Back to Ysawis

Protected: The Ambush

Protected: Divide & Try to Conquer

Protected: 20th Level Madness!

Protected: An Old Soul and An Old Friend

Spilling the Beans

Protected: On to Krak al-Niraan

Protected: Bringing the Fight Home

Protected: Trouble in Huzuz

The Warehouse Aftermath

Protected: Midnight

Protected: Revelations in Huzuz

Protected: Another Avenger!

Protected: 2019-06-28-original

Stephen Strange, Dr.

Protected: Next Up!

Protected: From Heaven and Hell

Next Steps

Protected: 13th Age – Combat & Character Sheets

Protected: We Take it Back. We Want the Rogue!

Protected: A Marid Lesson

Protected: Our Reputation Precedes Us…

Protected: I’ll Trade You a Rogue for a Druid

Protected: 3 Up, 1 Down

Protected: Divided and Conquered!

Protected: Option Paralysis

Protected: 18th Level Madness!




Dane Stormbringer


Protected: A Debt Paid, A Life Saved

NPC Highlight: The Order of the Gauntlet

Protected: Knowledge Above All

Protected: Reading and Riding

Protected: Still Striking!

Protected: Scheming, Plotting, and 11th Level!

Protected: A Pre-Emptive Strike – Dual Session

Protected: Unnamed Al-Qadim Session 4 – Dual Session

Protected: The Final Piece

Protected: Flasks, Fault, & Fervor

Protected: The Funeral Feast

Protected: Private Eyes… again!?

Protected: The Grandfather is Dead

Protected: The Heart of the Volcano

Protected: Prisoners or Guests?

Protected: Back to Ysawas

Protected: The Wrath of a Mother

Protected: All Saint’s Day

Protected: A Dragon…

Protected: F2F – Stopping the Ritual

Protected: After Them!

Protected: The Leaning Towers

Protected: F2F – The Bottom of the Volcano

Continuation from Our Story So Far

Our Tale, Such As It Has Been Told, Part III

Faruq Requesting An Audience

The Lions of Tomorrow

Protected: A Family Affair

Protected: Finding Family

Protected: Island Lions

Protected: Audience with Tannous (Trying to get a lift)

Protected: Unnamed Fringe Episode 5

Protected: Unnamed Fringe – Dual Session

Protected: Private Eyes – Dual Session

Protected: F2F – The Volcano, Part V

Not Strong Enough

Protected: Busy in Huzuz

Sulayman Describes First Meeting Mamoon

Protected: F2F – The Volcano, Part IV

Magnus-NP – RIP


Protected: Welcome Back to Huzuz


Protected: The Gnoll Lair

Protected: Back Through the Desert

Protected: The Wind Shifts

Protected: He Said, She Said


After the Bone Pavillion

Protected: Into the Bone Pavillion

Protected: Princess Zoraya

Protected: The Greater of Two Evils

Protected: The Volcano, Part III

Protected: The Secret of the Jungle

Protected: The Yuan-Ti

Protected: On to Dihliz

Protected: The Volcano, Part II

Protected: Mission #4: The Volcano

Protected: Unnamed Fringe Episode 4

Protected: Aboard the Enemy Ship

Protected: Castle Anthrax

The Dao of the Ferry

Protected: Investigations in Huzuz

Protected: Return to Wasat

Protected: The Haunted House

Protected: Risk for Riches

Protected: Into the Crypt

Protected: Winter Got You Down?

Protected: Attack of the Clones – Part 2


Protected: Attack of the Clones – Part 1


Protected: Emptying the Cavern

Protected: Unnamed Fringe Episode 3

Vondal Rumnaheim

Jon Snow



Protected: To Save a Sheikh

A Conversation

The Abduction

Protected: The House of Hanif

The Return to Huzuz: Printz

The Return to Huzuz: Roheen

The Return to Huzuz: Azizullah

Protected: Wahid Minaa (One of Us)

The Return to Huzuz: Kal

The Return to Huzuz: Faruq

Protected: A Debt Paid and a Woman Freed

Our Tale, Such As It Has Been Told, Part II

Protected: The Oasis

Protected: The Ruby Lion

Protected: Surrendering

Protected: Jabal Sarahin

Protected: Climbing Assassin Mountain

Protected: A Warm Welcome

Protected: Back Into the Haunted Lands

Protected: The Everlasting

Protected: Word from Haroushin

Protected: A Queen Rises


Equal Pay for Equal Work

Protected: The Razed Temple

Protected: On to the Temple

Protected: Into the Jungle

Protected: Exploring Kadarasto

Protected: Blood is Thicker…

Roheen Ademi



The Dropship

Protected: The Roof… The Roof… The Roof is on Fire


Protected: The Alien Queen

Protected: Otherworldly Assailants

Protected: The Cave of Depravity

Protected: In Search of the Prisoners

Protected: Culling the Bugbears – Part II


Protected: Culling the Bugbears – Part I

Protected: No One Drinks Alone

Protected: Human Trafficking

A Miserable Day


Unnamed Fringe Episode 3

Unnamed Fringe Episode 2

The Abandoned Mine

Her First Mission


Fringe Benefit

Protected: Achmed al-Zuli the Magnificent

Protected: 2016-11-16 – The Rise of Tiamat group

Protected: The Tomb of Diderius

Protected: 2016-11-09 – The Rise of Tiamat group

Protected: A Fork in the Road (or In Search of Varram)

A Hallowe’en Epilogue

Protected: The 11 Baneful Gates

Protected: Deeper Into the Temple

Protected: The Temple of Azaltin

My Deepest Sympathies

Protected: The Jann

Our Tale, Such As It Has Been Told, Part I


Useless and Ugly, Part II

Useless and Ugly, Part I

Protected: Fhakhira

Protected: The White Death

The Draakhorn #2

Protected: The Draakhorn

The Frozen Cavern, Part 5

The Frozen Cavern, Part 4

The Frozen Cavern, Part 3

The Frozen Cavern, Part 2

The Frozen Cavern, Part 1

Protected: Maccath the Crimson

Protected: Into the Iceberg

Finnius McGuffin

Protected: The Lair of Fhakhira

Protected: Oyaviggaton

Protected: The Sea of Moving Ice

Protected: The Council of Waterdeep

Ioan Starkhaven, Brother

Th’mugen Hightower

Among the Clouds

Protected: Down the Rabbit Hole

Protected: The Pyramid of Kagamemni

Protected: The Plaza of Eternity

Protected: Into the Haunted Lands

2016-06-23 – Al-Qadim Session

Protected: On to Wasat

Protected: A Favour to Be Repaid

The Oasis

Protected: The Oasis #2


Protected: —Fill in the Blanks session—

Protected: Secrets of the Ruins

Protected: Deeper into the Krak

Protected: Krak al-Shidda

Protected: The Shrine of Suhail min Zann

Protected: On to Krak al-Shidda

Protected: The Djinn of Earth

Protected: The Tomb of Shaddad, Part II

Protected: The Tomb of Shaddad, Part I

Protected: To Krak al-Shidda!

Protected: A Stranger and a Riddle

Protected: Muli Comes Clean

Protected: The Enemy of My Enemy…

Life, Death, and Consequences in the Land of Fate

Protected: The Brotherhood of the True Flame

Protected: Yodfah and the Waterfall

Protected: The Hama

Protected: Grave Robbers!

Not Much to Show For It

Protected: The Quest Begins

Protected: Bonds

Zephyr al’Dorim

Sulayman Ash-Shaulah

Guzman Gleb

Protected: Faruq & Sachiel Playstyle

Protected: Faruq al-Kafir

Chaka Kanye – RIP


Eric’s Al-Qadim Primer

The Evil Eye

The Orphans: Prologue

Protected: 2016-01-25-original

Another Diary Entry

Protected: The Gratitude of Giants

Protected: The White Dragon

Protected: Rath Modar & Rezmir Fall

Protected: The Flying Citadel

In My Heart

The Cycle of Life, Death, and Renewal

Protected: Strahd’s End?

Protected: The Crypt

Protected: Freeing the Prisoners

Protected: 2015-11-22


Damn It All

Close to Kethra

Catching Breath

Protected: Vanquishing Darkness with Light

Protected: The Heart of Ravenloft

Escape from Castle Ravenloft

Protected: GINOSAUR!

Protected: The Darkness Lifts

Protected: Stop. Reset. Go.

Protected: Strahd’s Offer

Protected: The Chapel

Protected: Into the Castle

Protected: Owlbear Attack! – Dual Campaign Session – Part 2

Protected: unnamed – Dual Campaign Session – Part 1

Protected: 2015-09-16 – Lando

Protected: To Sausage or Not to Sausage

Protected: The Drawbridge

The Vistani Fortunes

Protected: The Vistani Fortunes #2

Protected: Strahd and His Brides

Protected: The Burgomaster’s Mansion

Protected: The Portal

Protected: Chaos Erupts!

Protected: Spattergoo… Where Are You?