July 27, 2003
Wishing farewell to J’afrock, Ashreal and S’thiss, Griften manifested teleport and arrived in the snow outside the Temple of the Yellow Rose in The Rakers. acolyte answers, and greets he who he recognizes as Griften, and griften tells him to summon whatever master of the winds are available. griften re-acquaints himself with his guest room, and bumps into Senji, his long time master. the acolyte returns saying the Master of the North Wind is waiting in the audience chamber, and asks both Griften and Senji to attend
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Thursday, January 2, 2003
A quick confrontation at the drow outpost leaves the heroes reeling and scrambling to catch their breath. S’Thiss had moved quickly, and penetrated deep within the Drow perimeter. Quickly retreating to regain their composure, the heroes hastily seek refuge within the Rod of Security. It is there that they plan to find more scouts to extract information from them.
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Sunday, September 15, 2002
With a reluctant wave and lingering goodbye, the heroes leave Callimar and Cyndr with Gwyiesin in the Grandwood. With newfound resolve and a deep sense of concern, Griften uses the mental picture of his last conversation with S’Thiss to catch up with the stealthy arcane trickster in his search for both Talen and Tiemel. Their unceremonious arrival somewhere in the Underdark came without any sign of S’Thiss and no idea how to continue.
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Thursday, September 5th, 2002
After a refreshing evening in Griften‘s Citadel, the heroes leave at first light for the Grandwood forest. Arriving on the outskirts of the massive wood, Ashreal leads the heroes deep within the forest where they meet one of Gwydiesin‘s agents. After a quick introduction, the heroes are led at a break-neck pace to Gwydiesin‘s grove where the enigmatic bard awaits them Griften is re-united with his old acquaintance, Cyndr and Gwydiesin recaps all that has transpired in recent weeks.
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Friday, August 31, 2002
ACollect our thoughts in the Rod of Security, decide to take out the Red Dragon, Griften scrys, party teleports to mountain top to engage dragon. Crazy fight with Sulphacititzeous, dragon grabs griften in it’s maw and uses breath weapon, but ashreal‘s protection saved him, bears crush dragon, j’afrock blends it, griften with key dispel, dragon dies. heroes calm down (wtf did we just do) and go back to Citadel of Serenity to collect their thoughts.
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Friday, August 24, 2002
Amake plans to visit the sea barons, encounter with planetar Santanessteren, learn of other powerful evil factions in the islands, travel to the island with the cauldron on it… bypass guards (change self, dominate, jafrock walks in), sthiss and shraktlor bait heroes into portal, heroes give chase, confrontation in the cauldron of night, Palisten fights with Tarnhem the Balor, Callimar feels overwhelmed by helping fulfill the prophecy
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The heroes decide to return to the Almorian border to visit their friend and longtime companion, Tanamier Half-Elven. TP back to his “protected from scrying” room and discuss briefly what to do next in there. J’afrock goes outside and tells guard (that can’t belive jafrock [outcast] is here in blazebane) to get Tanamier. Once outside the room, some dude in red outfit with red hair smoking foul smelling pipe comes to threaten the heroes. introduces himself as the dragon they stole from, and unless they have his loot for him in 24hours, he’ll kill them all. and then he leaves, threatening innocents on his way
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the party is now missing Tiemel and talen (abducted by dark elves in the castle). remainFrameing members force Ferrenan back to gaseous form where he escapes the heroes somehow. they escape the castle with their lives, careful of the traps set outside. in very dangerous territory, the heroes gotta get outta there fast so go to Blazebane (relatively safe), Dextar comes to ask that Ashreal join the party… Callimar join at this point?
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Ttalen and tiemel are abducted by the dark elves, jafrock, griften and xxx come across little girl (dressed in white) in bedroom chained up. they detect evil somehow and she’s not an illusion, or evil, etc. Griften insists on saving girl, J’afrock is convinced it’s a trap, the two argue. Griften remainFrames steadfast and teleports the girl to Rel Mord to leave in the hands of Inkaneesta at the temple of Heirophylia. rejoins the heroes later in castle
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Travel to the western Aerdi lands to see Ferranen… (reputed to be badass in controlling demons/devils or just has info, not sure). He’s in evil land (3 warring houses of G.Kingdom?) and are greeted by some butler dude (comes off as otherworldly and Griften suspects he’s a vampire). They are comfortably entertained, fed, and bedded (something happens that night; remember bitch) and granted audience next night (vampires, duh). Ferranen reveals himself & chase begins?
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The heroes come back from The Gull Cliffs w/crazy Azier and Tanamier can’t heal him. Griften goes to Temple to get Brother Raymond who is foremost brotherhood authority on Tharizdun shiot. He tells heroes of “The Far Side” dimension, Dareth Winterwood (notes). Gwydiesin tells them that Azier is a “mirror” to the Far realm and that they may be able to prevent or act against the prophecy by controlling the demons & devils that will be brought together to fight the heroes. tells of three major people in flannaess that have this knowledge/magic: Ferrenan, Rexefer? (lich/consultant for some Cranden House prince), Patriarch Verminech (has residence IN the hells), and Graf Reydrich (w/general Reynard) who’s #1 because he has many of their True Names. Gwydiesin also offers insight into the goals of the Clones, that they are agents of the scarlet brotherhood bent on ensuring we fulfill the prophecy in spades
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TThe heroes continue on to the town of Roland (by the shores of xxx sea) and meet The Five. They are propositioned to help the Nine? in defeating some badass that has been hosing them for a while. They tell us a time and place, and we reluctantly agree, only concerned with getting permission to enter the Gull Cliffs (which are off-limits for some reason). Confront the badass (hosing him a bit) and The nine try to backstab us and kill our asses once we downed the lich (who had to stone golems btw). We hose The Nine and then continue on the Gull Cliffs. Discover cliffside community and proceed deeper in. Meet crazy Vecna wannabe, continue in, (Joe wasn’t here for much of this)… Azier touches some dimensional warp thing and goes fucking crazy. Confrontation with Aboleth here where Khaal Wraath is lost? FUCK. J’afrock and Tiemel try to save Khaal Wraath (rest say fuck ’em). Heroes leave dragging Crisis with them. S’thiss TPs them back to Blazebane to recover and see if Tanamier can heal Krisis.
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… more to fill in here?…
Sunday, March 25th, 2001
The heroes’ resolve has not changed. After receiving direction from perhaps the Flannaes’ most influential powers, The Scourge are directed to the molten peaks of the Lavastorm Mountains. Here lies a relic of centuries past, and its retrieval will reunite an ancient warrior and his most powerful ally…
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Sunday, March 11th, 2001
As the secrets of the Isle of Lost Souls make themselves known, so too does the resulting cataclysm peak the interest of all those who have patiently watched and waited for The Scrouge to accomplish their goals. At the behest of Philidor the Blue, the heroes travel across the planes to a meeting the likes of which will likely never happen again… ((( Canon Hazen, Arturs Jakarti, Mordenkainen, Bigby, Dramidj, Nystul, Xavener, Reydrich, Karoolck, Khaal Wraath, Philidor?, Rillikandren‘s initiate?, … )))
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Sunday, March 4th, 2001
On a rescue mission, some of the greatest heroes we have yet met band together to go in search of their fallen comrades and those seeking refuge in a failed attempt to find the secret of the Isle of Lost Souls. Griften, Tiamel, Seylem, Graymore and Larian venture forth to uncover those secrets and save their friends…
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Sunday, February 25th, 2001
Tempus, S’Thiss, Talen and J’afrock and Kaelis step onto the Causeway of Fiends. Their purpose drives them forward; their intuition warns them back. Could the venture onto this God-forsaken Isle only to lose their souls as so many have before them? Or is it their destiny that what awaits them holds the answers they seek…
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To visit the Causeway of Fiends, the heroes found themselves in enemy territory in teh North end? of the Great Kingdom. Ruled by the religious leaders of a dire faith (Banaalikron?), they heroes were escorted to the Temple of Banaalikron. Tempus, overwhelmed by the diametric evil to his own religion, faced for the first time the High Preist of Banaalikron, Grace Grennel! A climactic battle ensued, where both priests took on the power of their deity’s to resolved a feud on the Material that has raged in the heavens. Grennel kicks tempus‘ ass; Sthiss wins fight (cone of cold?), then what? Weren’t there two other badasses? one foul and dirty bitch and another in a Blue? robe?
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THeroes are introduced to Prince Xavener (pierce brosnan). why are they there? Negotiating to pass through his lands or something? He holds heroes in hall, archers with crossbows trained on them until they agree to some contract where they give him a % of their magic items, /shrug. Go to some random village community where people reported some black shadowy hound eating people at night. it’s howling is indicative of an incoming raid, but people kind of used to it. heroes go into swamp, find it’s lair and confront it? What happened?
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THeroes travel to teh Bonewood Forest, all trees are ossified into white, calcified bone. Wandering (forest seems to close in on them) an dthey come across a horrible undead, fossizlized treant. Crush tree, tempus horribly drained of con (perm.nothing.fixes) and J’afrock shatters the dark swirling globe in the trees’ cavity. Spirits and screams come flying out, dissipating into the forest that faded from bone back into regular trees. Could hear people screaming in the forest (like the shadows that escaped went and rocked other people).
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TThe Heroes spend some time in (town nearby Calling Mines, where Graf Reydrich rules) to find out where the Calling Mines were, and hold audience with Graf Reydrich. There is a confrontation with General Reynard (what happened?!!?). While there Karnquiza (town security) wants the heroes to CURE HIM!??! (of what btw). Pursuit follows, and Karnquiza is killed (slow acting poison or something?). On him the heroes find that he has a list of the REST of the Midnight Darkness (continental group of assassins who have anonymity even from each other). Heroes did NOT tell Graf about Karnquiza.
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The heroes take the info gained in city and enter the Calling Mines. There they overhear worker say Reydrich is mining to pay the Scarlet Brotherhood. Confirmed? Proceed further down and heroes find crazy bastard who gouged out his own eye and cut off his own hand mumbling something (what did he say? important now) about Vecna. S’Thiss mercilessly murders the guy and leaves body in a coal cart. Heroes go down further and find Ananayis Undead Bard sitting on a throne, mouth agape (the cause of the Calling we assume). Fight, kill bard, (and minions I think refresh Eric plz). Kaelis plays uber countersong and saves the day.Tempus, S’Thiss, Talen and J’afrock step onto the Causeway of Fiends. Their purpose drives them forward; their intuition warns them back. Could the venture onto this God-forsaken Isle only to lose their souls as so many have before them? Or is it their destiny that what awaits them holds the answers they seek…
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TNo idea what happened durign icespire, just remember the heroes walking in a hallway and seeing perverted images of themselves in the walls (illithids, monsters, etc).
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Sunday, February 6th, 2000
Tanamier screamed into the air in frustration. Not worried about himself, a second without his sight could mean then end of them all. “Parthen will protect me!” The sheer rage in his voice startled his priestly brother standing beside him. Tempus had seen this look before… then the heroes being destroying rinloru, all but screaming for delglath to come and join them… when does tryiok come and kick our asses?
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Sunday, January 23rd, 2000
The Scourge eyed the Necromancers cautiously, no verbal agreement could erase the enmity that existed between these two groups. Pizentios broke the silence with a…
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Sunday, January 16th, 2000
The rooms were small and bare here in the fortress Elversford. Parin of the Aedri Forest had very generously given the heroes more room to recover and collect themselves than he allowed himself. They were not lavish rooms, but they were comfortable and warm. The forest could be see…
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Greyhawk City (for magic items) and meet with Necromancers who talk about assault on Rinloru,
what point does palistren swoop in and give griften the spear of sorrow? help plz eric.
Meet with Gwydiesin who takes Cyndr under hsi wing.
Emergency sending to go to Coldwood from Philidor. Fight with Tryok to prevent him from getting Hunger. Success.
Meet with Philidor who directs group to Chathold for items and to rescue Bajastelle and her group. Chathold is a nightmare.
Infiltrate Rauxes, meet Xaene, meet Rillikandrin, go beneath temple of Banalikron and fight Khaal Wraath. Revive Caelynn from clone.
Riyan and Grier leave with Terax to return to Geoff. Melf joins briefly with Jafrock and Sir Greymore.
Griften grabs spear, teleports away to caverns under Roland is killed by Tempus, but clones attack and get spear.
Co-ordinate an attack with Parren and attack Permanence. fight Kalreth, who opens up huge can of whoop-ass. Beat him, but Pallistren intervenes, ransoming the Spear in exchange for an assault upon Onyxgate.
Griften and Tanamier go to Grey Seer to learn of ways to find these cryptic places; Seer tells them of Permanence and Spear of Sorrow.
Terrax convinces Scourge to join him in mission to cure his vampirism; success and he joins Scourge.
Shrak’t’Lor loses soul to DeckofManyThings. Griften takes his body to Temple.
TAfter receiving permission from Xavener to travel through his lands and see the Lays of Bar Stranach, the heroes move to Bar Stranach. There inside the temple they are confronted by the Clones for the first time, and the clones beat them to the Lays! Shocking battle, where heroes recover the book and are able to read it’s contents. (ie. sites of tharizdun).
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The heroes know they need to visit Bar Stranach. They know they cannot see the Lays withouth permission from the Lord of the lands (Xavener). They request audience where Xavener (with archers trained on heroes) grants them permission in exchange for 10% of their magic or something. Makes the heroes sign to it (I think) and lets them go on their way.
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Go to Greyhawk city for consultation; meet Jelenneth and Philidor, who tells Scourge about the Lays of Bar Strannach; fight Scarlet Brotherhood Ambassador and Wode and god-like mage/thief.
Travel to Millenium to stop demonic messenger; discover Tsojcanth‘s Journal.
Skirmish with Count Hastern’s men in the Adri, Tiemel meets Gwydiesin and discovers he is incarnation of Azor’Alq.
Captain Osmeren, who believes the Scourge, suggests hiding out in the Adri. Larian leaves, Griften and Shrak’t’lor join.
Tanamier attempts to retrieve the amulet vs. scrying from Griften‘s souless form and fights Korenth Zan. Griften restored.
Archbold banishes the Scourge. Before leaving, they speak to the Grey Seer who cryptically tells them about the wizard Staplinik. Scry and teleport into Black Dragon lair to free him. He reveals Sewarndt‘s treachery and how he sent a demonic messenger to Szeffrin. Scourge journeys to city of Oldred to discover more but encounters Sewarndt and the Banalikron priest Quarlanth; Nexxus is captured and sold to Karoolk.
Encounter with Grishken who starts to rile things up. Mezzodamons spontaneously appear, starting three-way brawl. Tempus kills innocent person and General Myariken orders retreat for Prince’s safety.
Briefing of incidents with King Archbold; Princes back Scourge; Sewarndt asks Scourge to accompany Llynwerd to Midmeadow to address White Cloaks
Count Blackmar‘s son accused of treachery; traitor is actually the count, but Tempus kills his rebel son.
Princes and Scourge attempt to stop Duke Bastrayne from fleeing Nyrond with over-taxed funds. Duke killed by the Princes.
Banquet held; many diplomatic tensions
Journey to city of Narsel Mendred and discover priests of Hierophylia and schoolhouse of children. Fight Nabassu and convert bandits on return. Scourge: Sephiroth, Grier, Riyan, Tempus and Larian
Tanamier and Inkaneesta get dreams of trapped followers in Almor
Sephiroth escapes Rauxes and is taken in by Scourge
The heroes know they need to visit Bar Stranach. They know they cannot see the Lays withouth permission from the Lord of the lands (Xavener). They request audience where Xavener (with archers trained on heroes) grants them permission in exchange for 10% of their magic or something. Makes the heroes sign to it (I think) and lets them go on their way.
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Go to Greyhawk city for consultation; meet Jelenneth and Philidor, who tells Scourge about the Lays of Bar Strannach; fight Scarle