- Having just had a meeting with representative of almost all The Icons themselves…
- The heroes begin by considering their subsequent move
- The heroes have used rituals to find out where the missing citzens of hildebrande are
- They can get us TO the Stone Thief, but getting us INSIDE is tricky
- They are reminded that:
- The prince knows where the other eye is – at least it was in his possession
- he released one into the realm to cause chaos meaning he likely has the other
- the one he released is now IN the stone thief again
- If the heroes can get their hands on the other Eye, the Stone Thief would definitely open up to get THAT
- They said it would attack someplace – that they’ve effectively poisoned
- the poison will make the ST sluggish and prevent it from going down, but it can still go away, but slowly
- Once she knows what place has been hit, she’ll know because of the particular pages showing up in her blazing book
- The heroes use that location at the observatory to find out exactly where it is
- Even though it will be right beneath us, it won’t open up – it’s a little scared of The Undaunted – it would need something to open up
- However… is there something else?
- Legion suggests it might be baited sufficiently by powerful magic items
- Puki suggests:
- The Oracle Shroud (lets you talk to someone in the afterlife, but only 1/year),
- the axe they retrieved for The Dwarf King
- The heroes are reasonably sure that they next time they ‘meet’ The Stone Thief, it will be the last…
- They all know that the PoS will definitely want something if he’s going to give up an eye
- The heroes remind each other that Greyface was someone honourable in releasing the Hildebrande prisoners, but their subsequent capture was not of his doing
- Finding the generalized area of where the citizens are
- Nidalru goes to speak with Seren Vi
- SV: what’d you think fo that performance in there? Everyone pretending not to know what to ask? They can’t bear to think that our master might have something to do with saving the world. They’re hoping yo’ull come up with an alternative, but we both know you’re only getting back in by tempting it with it’s last eye. The prince likes you, Nidalru – I know he’s wondering why it’s taking you so long to get that thing going with The Elf Queen, but he’s patient. I’ll hit the port and make some inquiries
- N: Excellent
- SV: once you guys are done being do-gooders, some by ShadowPort and I’ll see about getting you an audience
- N: What do you think he’ll want?
- SV: she rolls up her sleeve – a glowing tatto of the PoS – “I’m still working THIS off”. Nidalru, sweetheart, just to get an audience… this isn’t any other icon… no one’s ever seen him. And if you upset him? hahaha he’s not going to launch a meteor swarm, or a horde of demons, he’s the prince… he can steal anything – your memories, your dreams – I’d rather face the meteor swarm. Claps you on should – as long as you have something to offer him, np!
- N: Right…
- SV: including… the biggest treasure hoard of all… right? She kissed you on the lips and saunters out
- The heroes lament the name of their ship:
- The logbook says it’s Cloudswimmer
- Considered: Cloudskimmer
- Considered: Jetfire
- Considered: Cloud Jumper
- The last trace of the lost citizens isn’t far from Anvil – not quite halfway to First Triumph
- In the Giantwalk – virtually unscalable for those who aren’t giants – maneuvering is very difficult
- The jagged peaks and sharp crevices means there’s almost no landing spaces
- Legion says he can manage getting the ship closer
- Puki uses his die with the High Druid to find where a suitable place to land the ship would be
- His connection with The Behemoth – he tries to focus on that relationship – what they see when they walk through a pass in Giantwalk
- he does see something – you think it could fit there – not easily, but possible… a little further away from the actual location of the citizens, but definitely high above the base of the mountains – free of bandits for sure – just not free of giants, necessarily
- Legion & Puki pilot the ship while the others keep watch
- Idris – with his golden eyes – picks up 4 flying figures
Idris: “Perhaps it’s best that we land… now. We may have company.”
- Navigating with Puki‘s help – the dense fog starts to wear on the heroes – Idris coughing violently because he’s bent over the edge looking for their pursuers
Nidalru yells out ‘Pivot’!!!
- Legion let’s go of the controls he’s been holding during the descent – and focusing with the power of the Archmage, he augments the Feather Fall spell to cushion Cloudswimmer
- Cloudswimmer comes to a gentle rest.
- Idris warns that during their descent, he saw hill giants and their huge bear pets nearby
Puki says… we must clear the path for the citizens we’ll be rescuing. Let’s ambush the giants.
- The heroes continue towards where they know the citizens of Hildebrande to now be
- Continuing up the mountain, they are reminded how much easier this climb would be for giants
- Finally reaching a valley shielded from the elements, the heroes are set upon immediately!
- The heroes see the Giants’ bodies are blocking the way, so they toss the bodies down over the edge of a small ravine, and they disappear into the snow and fog below
- The path now seems much easier to travel – for about an hour – getting a better sense of what to expect
- Then they get to a part where it’s not clear how this is still a path – it ends abruptly and we’re up against the wal
- Puki looks…
“No… look.”
- Puki notices giant sized “handholds” to shimmy across this part of the path
- the heroes are able to get across, but Legion has to use Levitate because of the difficulty
Coming in to another clearing, the heroes come upon a familiar face…
- The heroes all think back quickly:
- The interrogation of the rakshasa was difficult at first; legend has it that they can only be killed in a very specific fashion (by a blessed crossbow bolt, for example) and that perhaps explained why it wasn’t responding to Nidalru‘s death threats. Remembering that rakshasa were legendary for their contempt of the Icons, and their hatred for the scheming of the Prince of Shadows in particular (natural rivalry), Merian decided to try a different tactic. She tried the truth. The rakshasa’s demeanour changed considerably when it learned it could possibly help un-do one of the Prince’s most daring thefts. It improved again when it learned that it had been defeated by The Undaunted, supposedly the only ones known to have ventured in and survived the Stone Thief.
- t explained that it had obtained the Eye from a dupe named Perfoygle, who apparently didn’t know what he had. At first, the rakshasa was more interested in the clay pieces surrounding the gem, correctly theorizing that they had great alchemical properties. Eventually, it stumbled to the true nature of the gem.
- This caused a quandry: While not lacking in self-esteem, “The Alchemist” knew that in the secret society of its kind, it was on the less-powerful end of the spectrum. If word got our amongst its people that it had one of the Eyes of the Stone Thief, it would paint a big target on it. Best to paint that target on someone else and get something valuable in return.
- Fortunately (it said this with a smile at the group), it had recently become aware of another enemy of the Prince who had taken a decided turn for the worse, and was looking for something to restore its reputation as a major player after its recent setback…it contacted this individual, made a deal, and turned a very tidy profit. In exchange for its life, it will tell you who this is, and where to find him.
- as the rest of The Undaunted complete the interrogation on the rakshasa Nidalru leans in from behind, gently pressing the tips of her daggers to the back of the rakshasa and whispers into its ear “Looks like you’ve just made the deal of a lifetime….well at least for your life! ….and remember your life is only as good as your word is to us.”
A: You again! How did you track me here? No matter….