If you would like to introduce your character, or you have a cool slogan or even a catchphrase; it goes here.
What is it that makes this character unique?
What are/were they doing last? Where? With whom?
What does your character look like? List the obvious and the perhaps not-so-obvious here.
Describe the character’s outlook, temperament, tendencies during interactions, etc.
Describe your character’s less-than-obvious features (something you might only notice after a time), habits they have, etc.
Is your character proficient in a skill outside of adventuring? Were they once? Might they be if they survive their adventuring career?
Where do they live?
Who can you trust? Who must you protect?
How many BBEGs have you racked up?
What does this character hope to accomplish in the short term? Long term?
Male Human Savant 5 / Metamind 17 / Arch Psion 5; Hp: 395; Initiative: +5; Speed: 40 feet; AC: 28 (touch 23); Atk: +22/+17 (+1 shortspear), +21 (ranged touch); Dmg: 1d8+8/x3 (+1 shortspear); SA: freely manifest, apotheosis, psionic energy discharge; SQ: power psicrystal, sculpt power, evasion, iron body, elemental resistance, SR 40, concealment; AL: Neutral Good; Saves: Fort +31, Ref +22, Will +33; Str 20, Dex 20, Con 34, Int 16, Wis 22, Cha 13; Height 6’1”
Skills and Feats: Concentration +43, Disable Device +23, Disguise +18, Knowledge (psionics) +34, Jump +10, Listen +26, Psicraft +47, Search +23, Spot +26, Manifesting Prodigy, Psionic Focus (Psychokinesis), Psionic Focus (Telepathy), Inner Strength, Skill Focus (Psicraft), Power Penetration, Fortify Power, Overpower, Quicken Power, Extra Power (6th), Improved Manifestation (x3), Multipower, Automatic Quicken Power.
Special Attacks: Freely Manifest: Xerxes may manifest any power of level 1-4 each for free three times per day. Apotheosis: For one hour per day, Xerxes gains a +2 circumstance bonus to all DCs and saves for psionics and can freely manifest one power from each level he knows. Psionic Energy Discharge: As a ranged touch attack (up to 600 feet), inflicts 5d4 + 1d4 for each power point spent, with a maximum of 25 power points spent.
Special Qualities: Power Psicrystal: Xerxes’ Hero psicrystal also acts as a capacitor of up to 19 pointsand gives a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves. Sculpt Power: Xerxes may leave spaces in his area of effect powers. Evasion: Reflex saving throws for full or none (from ring). Iron Body: Damage reduction 15/adamantine, immunity to blindness, critical hits, damage to ability scores, deafness, disease, drowning, poison, stunning and physiological attacks, half damage from fire and acid attacks, vulnerable to attacks vs. iron golems (from psychoactive skin). Energy Resistance: Acid, cold, fire, lightning and sonic resistance 30 (from ring). Spell Resistance 40 (from vest). Concealment: Immune from all powers that attempt to view, locate or otherwise detect, except metafaculty (from third eye).
Enhanced Ability Scores: Xerxes has a +4 inherent bonus to his constitution and a +2 inherent bonus to his dexterity score.
Epic feats: Improved Manifestation (x3): Gives 63 power points, raises metapsionic cap to 25 and adds three powers. Multipower: May manifest an extra quickened power per round. Automatic Quicken Power: All of Xerxes’ 0-3 level powers are freely quickened.
Magic Items: ring of epic psionics IX and evasion, ring of epic psionics VII, psychoactive skin of the iron hero, ring of protection +5 and major universal energy resistance, vest of epic spell resistance, third eye of viewing, penetrating and concealment, psychokinetic psionatrix glory hand of natural armor +5, headband of wisdom +6 and disguise, belt of health +6, gloves of dexterity +6, cloak of resistance +5, pale green ioun stone, torc of psionic might, boots of striding and springing, dorje of body adjustment, power stone of temporal velocity, bag of holding I, +1 shortspear, dorje of ectogoo.
Psionic Strength Points: 687 (Primary Discipline: Psychokinesis, Secondary Disciplines: Telepathy and Clairsentience.) Mode check bonus: +18. Resting Mode: Mind Insurgency –4. Manifester Level: 25. Power Check: +29
Psionic Powers: 0) burst, daze (+14), detect psionics, far hand, inkling, lesser natural armor, missive (+14), my light, telempathic projection (+14); 1) circumstance shield, chrysalis, create sound, mental barrier, psychic crush; 2) brain lock (+16), channel power, combat prescience, invisibility, psychic bodyguard; 3) displacement, fly, greater concussion (+18), schism; 4) greater mindlink, mass concussion, mettalize, mindwipe (+18), wall of ectoplasm; 5) ectoplasmic armor, metamorphosis, mind blast (+19), true seeing; 6) brutalize wounds (+20), disintegrate (+21), greater body adjustment, greater exploding gem (+21), greater negate psionics, improved psychofeedback, improved psychokinetic blast, improved teleport, shield of prudence; 7) divert teleport (+22), emulate power (+20), mass domination (+21), true concussion (+22); 8) erase presence (+22), hypercognition, mindquake; 9) detonation (+24), dissolution (+24), id cascade (+23), monster domination (+23), psionic reality alteration (+22), true telekinesis (+24).
When Xerxes plans on adventuring, he manifests the following powers as part of his daily ritual: chrysalis, circumstance shield, combat prescience, ectoplasmic armor, mental barrier, metamorphosis and shield of prudence. His adjusted abilities are:
Male Human Savant 5 / Metamind 17 / Arch Psion 5; Hp: 395; Initiative: +5; Speed: 40 feet; AC: 44 (touch 29); Atk: +24/+19 (+1 shortspear), +23 (ranged touch); Dmg: 1d8+8/x3 (+1 shortspear); SA: freely manifest, apotheosis, psionic energy discharge; SQ: power psicrystal, sculpt power, evasion, iron body, elemental resistance, SR 40, concealment, DR 5/-; AL: Neutral Good; Saves: Fort +35, Ref +26, Will +33; Str 20, Dex 20, Con 34, Int 16, Wis 22, Cha 13; Height 6’1” Power Points: 664
- Alive/Dead | Alive
- Gender | Male
- Race | Human
- Height | –
- Weight | –
- Age | –
- Hair | –
- Eyes | –
- Skin | –
- Alignment | –
- Religion | –
- Patron | –
- Liege | –
- Affiliation | –
- Hero Group | none yet
- Setting | Greyhawk
- Father | –
- Mother | –
- Spouse/Love Interest | –
- Siblings | –
- Children | –
- 1e | Didn’t Exist
- 2e | Didn’t Exist
- 3e | Didn’t Exist
- 3.5e | Didn’t Exist
- 4e | –
- 5e | –
- 13a | –
- 13a 2e | –
- PF 2e | –