another chronology

The Scourge is Revified – Wednesday, November 21st, 21

After an unsuccessful search in the cliffside mines for Khaal Wraath‘s body, and the unhappy recovery of the much changed Azier, the Scourge retreat to the Almorian Border to collect their thoughts and help their fallen comrade.  When they arrive, Tanamier: Chosen of Parthen and Griften: Monk of the Yellow Rose rejoin their comrades and learn more about the mystery that they find themselves wound up in…

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The Scourge is Revified – Wednesday, November 21st, 21

After an unsuccessful search in the cliffside mines for Khaal Wraath‘s body, and the unhappy recovery of the much changed Azier, the Scourge retreat to the Almorian Border to collect their thoughts and help their fallen comrade.  When they arrive, Tanamier: Chosen of Parthen and Griften: Monk of the Yellow Rose rejoin their comrades and learn more about the mystery that they find themselves wound up in…


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To the Hellfurnaces! – Sunday, March 25th


The heroes’ resolve has not changed.  After receiving direction from perhaps the Flannaes’ most influential powers, The Scourge are directed to the molten peaks of the Lavastorm Mountains.  Here lies a relic of centuries past, and its retrieval will reunite an ancient warrior and his most powerful ally…

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The Conclave

Sunday, March 11th, 2001

As the secrets of the Isle of Lost Souls make themselves known, so too does the resulting cataclysm peak the interest of all those who have patiently watched and waited for The Scrouge to accomplish their goals.  At the behest of Philidor the Blue, the heroes travel across the planes to a meeting the likes of which will likely never happen again…

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The Isle of Lost Souls

Sunday, March 4th, 2001

On a rescue mission, some of the greatest heroes we have yet met band together to go in search of their fallen comrades and those seeking refuge in a failed attempt to find the secret of the Isle of Lost Souls.  Griften, Tiamel, Seylem, Graymore and Larian venture forth to uncover those secrets and save their friends…

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The Causeway of Fiends

Sunday, February 25th, 2001

Tempus, S’Thiss, Talen and J’afrock step onto the Causeway of Fiends.  Their purpose drives them forward; their intuition warns them back.  Could the venture onto this God-forsaken Isle only to lose their souls as so many have before them?  Or is it their destiny that what awaits them holds the answers they seek…

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To the Hellfurnaces!

Sunday, March 25th, 2001

Tempus, S’Thiss, Talen and J’afrock step onto the Causeway of Fiends.  Their purpose drives them forward; their intuition warns them back.  Could the venture onto this God-forsaken Isle only to lose their souls as so many have before them?  Or is it their destiny that what awaits them holds the answers they seek…

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Sunday, January 30th, 2000

Alas, even D&D must succumb to the North-American obsession of watching the SuperBowl.  Congratulations Rams fans!!!  And to Titans fans, thanks for a great game and well done on fighting the good fight.

Sunday, January 23rd, 2000

  1. The heroes stood slack-jawed, eyeing the Necromancers carefully.  Their discussions were strained at best.

  2. Pizentios suggested that the heroes attack Delglath and keep him occupied so that all six (6) of the Necromancers could assault Nyeru and re-acquire all of Pizentios‘ laboratory equipment and notes.

  3. The heroes argue about the ‘element of danger’ in confronting the Animus Priest instead of Nyeru, and the Necromancers (Pizentios, Yola and Mandraka) make fun of the Scourge for not being competent/strong enough to handle one (1) animus-priest.

  4. Suspicions fly back and forth, and finally J’afrock suggests that as a show of ‘trust’, the Necromancers allow one of them to accompany us to defeat Delglath.

  5. They agree and give us Mandraka <the one we wanted the least>

  6. The Necromancers leave and the heroes + Mandraka talk about strategies, with Rinloru looming in the distance.

  7. Discussion turns into argument, and Tempus: Chosen of Agravelenon cries out in frustration, calling the power of his god to summon a Fire Elemental, who he commands to begin its assault on the city.

  8. Seeing this, Kaelis and Gil-Galad wisely take to the skies, in the hopes of gaining an eagle-eye veiw.

  9. As the Fire Elemntal strides forward, three (3) shadowy riders materialize out of nothingness, their glowing green swords and weapons drawn.  Saying nothing and doing nothing, the heroes call out to them with no response.

  10. Tempus tell his Fire Elemental to attack the riders, and Tanamier engulfs them in a Wall of Fire.  Kaelis and Gil-Galad see the portcullis of the city gates open and an entire army of zombies and skeletons stride forward in military formation.

Sunday, January 16th, 2000

  1. from the Adri Forest, Tempus sent a Sending to Pizentios of the Necromancers of Skahlehn about their planned attack on Rinloru and Nyeru Darkspring.

  2. This was because they knew of the Necromancers’ distaste for their traitorous former colleague.

  3. Pizentios agreed to meet, hours later at the Wizard’s Hat Inn in Greyhawk City to discuss an arrangement.

  4. The heroes reluctantly agreed, despite the expressed distaste for a necromancer’s companionship voiced by Kaelis.

  5. The heroes Teleported to their safehouse location in Shacktown, north of Greyhawk City and discussed what to do.  Arriving hours too early, they decided to address personal interests until the time came to meet the Necromancers of Skahlen.

  6. Kaelis went looking for prime real estate and found some… at a reasonable enough price to pay for the deed.

  7. Tempus & Tanamier prayed, Gil-Galad studied, and J’afrock practiced with his twin axes…

  8. The time came, they went, unloaded their weapons <portable hole> talked with Pizentios

  9. The rest of the Necromancers stayed just oustide, watching us.

  10. Decision was made to attack Rinloru, Pizentios left

  11. Heroes follow, confrontation outside with Necromancers, Yola taunts us, they leave and tell us they will send us a Sending when they’re ready <no timeline>

  12. We Teleport back to safehouse, and fight there. <us, not our characters>

  13. Waited all night and into morning, with no word from Pizentios or the Necromancers.

  14. J’afrock suggests and Kaelis offers to go and procure some magic items that will help in the fight against Nyeru, Delglath and their undead hordes.

  15. Kaelis summons Anwar, his Djinni, and tells him to render himself Invisible and watch for anyone following him on his way to see Kondrandis Bubka, Magic Trader in Greyhawk City.  Casting Alter Self, Kaelis dons his Cloak of Elvenkind and slips from the safehouse to see Kondrandis.

  16. They meet, talk, find out that Greyanna was there the night before and bought them out.  Suggests trade of non-necromantic stuff for other stuff and Kondrandis becomes interested.

  17. Kaelis says he will return later that afternoon, and returns to the companions in the safehouse.

  18. While telling them what happened, they receive Pizentios‘ Sending and join him there by getting in Tanamier‘s and Kaelis‘ Portable Holes. <not classy>

  19. The Necromancers are on horseback and on the plains with Rinloru in the distance…

  20. Arguing ensues.

Author: Turnerbuds