- Alive/Dead: Alive
- Gender: Male
- Race: Dragonborn
- Height: –
- Weight: –
- Age: –
- Hair: –
- Eyes: –
- Skin: –
- Alignment: –
- Religion: –
- Patron: –
- Liege: –
- Affiliation: –
- Hero Group: Heroes of Greenest
- Campaign: –
- Setting: –
- Father: –
- Mother: –
- Spouse: –
- Siblings: –
- Children: –
- 1e: Didn’t Exist
- 2e: Didn’t Exist
- 3e: Didn’t Exist
- 3.5e: Didn’t Exist
- 4e: Didn’t Exist
- 5e: Paladin – 8
- 13a: –
- 13a 2e: –
- PF 2e: –
If you would like to introduce your character, or you have a cool slogan or even a catchphrase; it goes here.
What is it that makes this character unique?
What are/were they doing last? Where? With whom?
What does your character look like? List the obvious and the perhaps not-so-obvious here.
Describe the character’s outlook, temperament, tendencies during interactions, etc.
Describe your character’s less-than-obvious features (something you might only notice after a time), habits they have, etc.
Is your character proficient in a skill outside of adventuring? Were they once? Might they be if they survive their adventuring career?
Where do they live?
Who can you trust? Who must you protect?
How many BBEGs have you racked up?
What does this character hope to accomplish in the short term? Long term?