The Cauldron of Night

  1. The heroes visit the chain of islands, ‘The Dominion of the Sea Barons’ in search of the Cauldron of Night
  2. they fly around letting Ashreal do a Lore-type-spell to determine the terrain and whether or not it contains “a reasonable degree of evil”
  3. Discover an island inhabited by a snake cult, but decide to ignore it in search of their real goal
  4. They have an encounter with the planetar Santanessteren who warns Callimar of meddling with the affairs of mortals
  5. Callimar responds with “You won’t, so someone has to.”
  6. The heroes learn of other powerful evil factions in the islands, then find the island with the Cauldron on it
  7. Creeping up the mouth of the cavern system, the heroes see that it is well guarded by a throng of guards
  8. Identifying the captain, Griften metamorphs into a guard himself, and attempts to convince the captain to move the troops to the other end so that J’afrock and Ashreal can sneak by. Unfortunately, the tell-tale characteristics of the psionic powers alerted the captain to a ruse, and it did not work
  9. Fed up with the antics of a subtle psion, J’afrock boldly approaches the guards and demands entrance. Apparently, the guard was given instructions to allow the heroes through, and despite raising alarms in their minds, the heroes walked through unharmed
  10. Shortly afterward, the S’Thiss and Shra’kt’lor clones appear and bait heroes down the tunnels and into a portal, and the heroes give chase
  11. Entering what they realize to be the Cauldron of Night itself!
  12. The Griften clone floats above an infinite chasm holding two flasks joined by a chain. Taunting the heroes that they are doomed to fulfill the age-old prophecy, the Griften Clone smashes together the flasks, releasing Pallistren and Tarnhem
  13. the demon & devil see Callimar and attack the heroes while the clones laugh
  14. Callimar realizes that by helping the heroes, he may have just ushered in the completion of the prophecy – his angelic mind is assailed by guilt and madness, and he reels from the weight of what he has done
  15. While Palisten fights with Tarnhem, the clones escape
  16. The heroes finish Tarnhem and render Pallistren unconscious.
  17. Heren’kar heaves the body into the Cauldron of Night
  18. The heroes escape as the mines cave in upon themselves, releasing an incredible column of energy into the sky (as in Causeway of Fiends)
  19. Retreating into a Rod of Escape near a small harbour town, they then travel to the Citadel of Serenity to ponder the gravity of what just transpired
Author: Eric