Best of the Best

“Well Pizentios, what is it that we can do for you now?”
  • There is no sarcasm present when Tempus of Agravelenon (Fab) pleasantly asks an illusion of the evil Necromancer of Skahlehn whether or not he would fries with that…
“He’s sitting in a CHAIR!!?!?!
  • “In Celene,” Caellyn (Caelynn) says, “only the most powerful of beings may sit in chairs… this being must be very poweful…”
“I Teleport behind Maskalene and Marynnek.”
“I use Mordenkainen‘s Force Missiles on the guy Riyan‘s in melee with.”
“Friends, be wary. I hear an ominous ticking from behind this door…”
“We cannot let these people be threatened by these threats….”
“When the orcs charge into the Cloudkill spell, I start attacking them from behind.”
  • Riyan Erroshel tries out the role of ‘saboteur’ instead of helpful Ranger
“I walk into the room with Strahd and the other vampires…”
  • Tarax realized too late that adventuring with The Scourge, doesn’t always mean they’ve got your back.
“… then perhaps today IS a good day to die!”
“I Earthquake the fortress.”
  • Sometimes the good of the one DOES outweigh the good of the many… 30+ neutral good fighters for the favour of an evil prince?…
Tanamier does not use the Anti-Magic Shield to avoid the dragon’s breath.”
  • Apparently being the “Chosen One” of the new gods does not make one immune to a white dragon’s icy breath…. who knew?
“I cast Summon Nature’s Ally 7 and tell them to attack the drow.”
  • Three Dire Bears may have been ‘overkill’ against the 4 3rd-level drow scouts; three of which died to J’afrock‘s mighty Urgrosh several initiative counts earlier.
“Maybe we can just push Herenkar along the ground?”
  • The heroes quickly dismiss the idea of pushing a two ton dire bear end-over-end through the Underdark while they search for kidnapped comrades.
“Don’t I get full cover behind a horse?”
  • It seems that the subtleties of military tactics elude the war-hardened paladin; Sir Darius Graymore.
“Now know the face of your Arch-Enemy, and know it is Nexus…”
  • Taunting last words before a successful Hold Person, followed soon after by being handed back to the one man he feared the most.
Tanamier does not use the Anti-Magic Shield to avoid the dragon’s breath.”
  • Apparently being the “Chosen One” of the new gods does not make one immune to a white dragon’s icy breath…. who knew?

“I grab the spear from Palistren’s hand.”

  • Brother Griften insists that he take the Spear of Sorrow from the pit fiend… in retrospect, insanity and alignment change might not have been worth it.
“I throw the rock with Silence on it at the spellcasters.”
  • Even Druid/Psions with Fighter attack bonuses can disrupt their own party’s spellcasting,… if only Ventrius had just rolled a 2…
“I Slay Living Brother Griften.”
  • After many adventures together, Tempus of Aggravelenon decides that he must stop one of his best friends’ heart from beating. Griften resisted, so he did it AGAIN.
“The trees mock us, friends. Be wary.”
  • Tempus prioritizes illusory trees over the wholly evil Treant empowered by the essence of Tharizdun, the Dark God.
“I Fireball Nyeru Darkspring… the girl will survive…”
  • Tempus of Agravelenon doesn’t understand the repercussions of “taking hostages” and that ‘little girls’ often have bad saves.
“The worms are eating your people!!!”
  • Sir Darius Graymore‘s attempts at diplomacy with the Illithids of the Underdark fail somewhat.

  • The Bonewood Forest
  • The Sewers of Rauxes
  • The Isle of Lost Souls
  • asdf
  • asdf
  • asdf
  • asdf
  • asdf
  • The Scourge of the Underdark is infiltrating the Aboleth Fortresses and the Towers of Domination in the Sunless Sea.
  • Then, in their escape, a young, innocent and naive monk has expended himself trying to protect his companions with his meager psionic powers. in an effort to escape, he levitates into the air, and tries desperately to attain horizontal movement, which the psionic power does not provide. A derro dwarf sees the fleeing monk, and blasts him with a powerful lightning bolt across the sunless sea in a brilliant but embarrassing, streak of light and sound.
  • Not his crowning moment.
  • Dave – My top three 13a fights, in no particular order:
    • when fought the lich in the crypt when trying to apprehend Garados
    • the basilisk/green dragon fight
    • the fight with the golems (?) who were making swords of slaying with our names on it and giving them to wraiths
  • Joe – Mine
    • catching up with the blademaster and then having the 5 dragon masters join – EPIC – we had to run like little girls but it was definitely the best choice and was cool to see other factions directly in conflict
    • rescuing Eleodora from the Sun cult – was epic and a bit scary because we didn’t know what she’d do to us – was cool because of multi-faceted terrain – nidalru and milo with their movement made to her cage – there was a countdown as she was lowered, and a bottleneck of cultists – very cool
    • the fight where we fell into pits with massive, killer scorpions, but there were three (or four!?) levels of walkways and perimeters with different enemies – was just a very cool scenario
    • also the fight in the stone thief where we realized hurting the ectoplasm hurt it and we had to decide what to attack – to either focus on the minions or try to get the stone-thief’s attention – the mechanism of ‘just doing an attack’ was cool because the heroes wouldn’t know of course what the result should be
The Sewers of Rauxes
  • griften, jafrock, ashreal, tiemel, talen, tempus
    • The heroes travelled to Rauxes to meet with Rillikandren, famous archivist and purveyor of magic items and artifacts. His collection was second to none in the Flanaess, and it was his advice the heroes sought over the White Banner of Melic? they now had in their possession.
    • they entered the sewers (how?) and found some traps that they were able to successfully navigate through. Was S’Thiss there to beat ’em?
    • They encounter the two-headed lich that Karoolck overthrew to gain the advisor to the Overking, and he seemed to want us to help him… destroy onyxgate, or was that only Pallistren?
    • As the heroes are leaving Rauxes? (I think we met with Rillikandren, but I can’t be sure… is that where we picked up Krisis? Was that because there weren’t any other healers in the party?)
    • Khaal Wraath ambushes the party, fight in the sewers, stuff about walls of force and khaal wraath amputating someone’s limb for them? sword of sharpness… can’t remember…
The Bonewood Forest
  • griften, jafrock, ashreal, tiemel, talen, tempus
    • The heroes move to the Bonewood forest, where all the trees have been ossified for as long as anyone can remmeber. Children gomissing, hunting dogs disappear, it is a well feared forest
    • why do the heroes go there? obviously because it’s a site of Tharizdun, but how do they get pointed that way?
    • something about the trees closing in on them… chasing through the woods
    • come to a clearing, or does the forest part for them (to lead them to the undead treant, I’m presuming)
    • griften says something stupid as Tempus (the tress mock us) guess it was here they were laughing at us
    • the undead treant appears, black globe resonating with deafening thunder from within its trunk
    • start level-draining our asses; rocks tempus for permanent shit, even he, tanamier & inkaneesta can’t cure this drain
    • j’afrock realizes we can’t beat the tree one on one, so he decides to take a shot at the globe
    • he needs a 20, and for once we get a good roll, and bam!!!! 20!!!!
    • j’afrock shatters the sphere, and white gusts of tormented faces and black bodies encircle the grove flying & screawming
    • the echoes are heard throughout the forest as the spirits race away, killing people as they pass through them?
    • the trees return to normal, i think
The Isle of Lost Souls
  • griften, jafrock, ashreal, tiemel, talen, tempus
    • heroes go to the isle of lost souls through the causeway of fiends (story in itself)
    • crossing onto the island, it’s shattered and strewn with rocks adn debris
    • gargoyles attack us, no? Or do we sneak in using invisibility or something?
    • once inside, fight battles with demons i think, the citadel is kinda’ like a maze and we get flustered, losing our composure
    • find a library, i assume I’m using Griften at this point, not Khaal Wraath. I remember being strongly attracted towards the books of the library; insisting that we take some with us asap.
    • some confrontation leaves us rocked because I think we have to retreat into the Rod of Security and call for help. This is where it gets complicated; who comes?
    • fight fight fight, rescue, someone dies I think, then running out as the citadel begins to shake and rock
    • as we leave teh citdel see some looming shadow approach us (epic shadow things)… i think it was the essence of baalshezidek or something, some ancient ur-flannae chronomancer freed from his torment
    • citadel destroyed in massive blast of magical energy that ruptures the cloud cover, streaming into the sky within sight of a hundred miles
    • the heroes flee back across the causeway (strangely quiet) and watch as the island is destroyed by the increasing blasts and storm of magical energy
    • kaelis flees before even going on the causeway, I think
The Cursed Caverns of Sorrow
  • griften, jafrock, ashreal, tiemel, talen, tempus
    • No freakin’ idea… Cyndr dies in a brutal fire blast (they resurrect his ass later), tempus kills a girl, most of the Lords of Doom are brutally slain, lots o’ help please.
The Spear of Sorrow
  • griften, jafrock, ashreal, tiemel, talen, tempus
    • The heroes travel to Permanence to fight Kalreth, undead animus who is wielding the spear of sorrow. Is this one of the two artifacts that Lakaster lusts for? Ughhh…
    • anyway, somehow the heroes all end up on the roof top with Kalreth? and fight his ass
    • he crushes them
    • kills riyan, critcalling every round it was sick
    • don’t remember how it ends, did they actually fell him?
    • This is where Kalreth? falls, Pallistren telekinetically grabs the spear, and strikes a deal with the heroes to take down Onyxgate in exchange for the spear. Griften takes it for some reason and goes crazy
    • heroes chase griften to some caverns where they can’t subdue him, tempus tries to kill him TWICE!
The Blood Queen
The Cauldron of Night
  • griften, jafrock, ashreal, tiemel, talen, tempus
    • The heroes found themselves facing what they thought to be the entrance to the Cauldron of Night. Griften, the Griften Clone, Ashreal, Heren’kar, J’afrock, the S’Thiss Clone, the Shra’kt’lor Clone, Pallistren the Devil and Tarnheim the Demon.
    • Make plans to visit the sea barons
    • heroes fly around letting Ashreal do a Lore-type-spell to determine the terrain and whether or not it contains “a reasonable degree of evil” or something
    • find a snake isle, snake cult or something, but decide to pass it up for a more powerful evil
    • encounter with planetar Santanessteren who warns Callimar of meddling with the affairs of mortals, he says stuff like, “you won’t so someone has to”.
    • learn of other powerful evil factions in the islands, then find the island with the cauldron on it
    • creeping up the mouth of the cavern system, the heroes see that it is well guarded by a throng of guards
    • Identifying the captain, Griften Metamorphs into a guard, and attempts to convince the captain to move the troops to the other end of the guard so that J’afrock and Ashreal can sneak by. Unfortunately, the tell-tale cahracteristics of the psionic powers alerted the captain to a ruse, and it did not work
    • fed up with the antics of a subtle psion, J’afrock boldly approaches the guards and demands entrance. apparently the guard was given instructions to allow the heroes through, and despite raising alarms in their minds, the heroes walked through unharmed
    • shortly the sthiss and shraktlor clones bait heroes down the tunnels and into a portal, heroes give chase
    • the heroes enter what they realize to be the Cauldron of night
    • Griften floats above an infinite chasm holding two flasks joined by a chain. Taunting the heroes that they were doomed to fulfill the completion of an age-old prophecy, Griften smashes together the flasks, releasing Pallistren and Tarnheim
    • the demon & devil see Callimar and attack the heroes while the clones laugh mercilessly
    • the realization that Callimar‘s attempts to help the heroes has just ushered in the completion of the prophecy, he kinda’ loses it in the fight
    • Palisten fights with xxx demon, Callimar feels overwhelmed by helping fulfill the prophecy, clones escape, demon destroyed, palistren rendered unconscious, Herenkar throws the body into the Cauldron of night, heroes escape as the mines cave in upon themselves, releasing an incredible column of energy into the sky (as in Causeway of Fiends), heroes told to leave by captain of the guard, spend an evening outside a harbour city (rod of excape), then travel to Citadel of Serenity to collect their thoughts.
Rinloru's Saint of Evil
  • griften, jafrock, ashreal, tiemel, talen, tempus
    • heroes go to Rinloru to… what? take out Delglath because he’s a high priest of Thasmudyan? Doubt it. Is he one of the 2 vying for those two powerful artifacts? Delglath & Lakaster? Hmm… anyway, we go ready to rumble.
    • necromancers of skahlehn learn that Nyeru is in there doing his labratory shiot? they wanna do a dual-strike? Oh man, how could I forget THIS?!
    • mandraka agrees to go with the heroes, necromancers take off to deal with Nyeru, two dark emissaries and an army of undead come out to meet the heroes, tempus gets pissed and sends in a Fire Elemental, the heroes decide to charge.
    • was using Kaelis at this point, he had Anwar the djinni with him and was flying the whole time
    • heroes go in, start trashing the place, calling for Delglath to come meet them
    • wisely, he decides not to, instead calling his buddy Tryiok
    • Tryiok comes and fucking destroys the heroes
    • horrifically eliminating Anwar, wall of icing Tanamier & tempus, fireballing the fuck out of Kaelis (killing him btw) and forcing the survivors to flee
    • fuckin’ brutal showing by the scourge
The Father of Obedience
  • griften, jafrock, ashreal, tiemel, talen, tempus
    • Pretty sure Griften was Voided at this time from the deck, and Tanamier had an inkling that the Scarlet Brotherhood might try to abduct him, so gave him his Amulet of Proof Against Detection & Location.
    • Tanamier went to the Temple of the yellow Rose to visit him, needed the amulet and took it off Griften
    • Almost immediately, the Father of Obedience, Korenth Zan shows up in the highest tower ready to Teleport away with Griften
    • Tanamier fights the FATHER OF OBEDIENCE FUCK and stalemates him.
    • Korenth Zan summons some badasses, telekinetically throws a couple of statues at some incoming monks (killing them), smashes a few to pieces with his bare hands, and seems to enjoy the fray
    • Tanamier (i think) escapes witH Griften‘s body, Word of Recalling to Rel Mord (not sure how he got out of that one)
    • shocking episode
    • This may be the most epic thing that’s happened as yet…
The Lays of Bastranak
  • griften, jafrock, ashreal, tiemel, talen, tempus
    • The heros show up in Bastranak after bartering with… (Xavener?) for a rite of passage through his lands. Arriving at the temple, they find the clones already there, studying the very same work the heroes arrived to study!
    • all hell breaks loose! =)

  • First encounter with the clones in Bastranak
  • Tanamier‘s stand against the Father of Obedience in the Temple of the Yellow Rose
  • The Scourge battling Tryiok in Rinloru
  • confrontation w/Pallistren & Tarnhem, GriftenClone, S’ThissClone & Shra’kt’lorClone in the Cauldron of Night!
  • The Scourge destroying the blood queen and her guards
  • Fighting w/Kalreth at Permanence for the Spear of Sorrow was wicked
  • final clash with the Lords of Doom in the Caverns of Sorrow
  • Tanamier & The Scourge marching up the hill, challenging cloud dragon, ogre mages (in Geoff?) etc
  • Fight against the undead treant in the Bonewood Forest
  • Fighting Khaal Wraath in the sewers of Rauxes
  • Strahd‘s last stand in Barovia
  • Ananayis, the undead bard in the Calling Mines
  • Taking down one of Szeffrin‘s keeps; Millennium
  • the Isle of Lost Souls and the battle with that epic shadow thing after the island’s destruction
  • Fighting Ferranon in his castle
  • Tempus & Tanamier meeting Agravellenon & Parthen in the Underdark
  • Gwydiesin fending off Tryiok in his grove in the Grandwood
  • The Council meeting with good, neutral and evil players on Oerth
  • Fighting Tuerny in Almorian cathedral (picks up Grier/Graymore and drops him, etc
  • Tryiok‘s assault against the Sentinels in the Coldwood
  • The final fight with the Balour (wasn’t there need help)
  • The confrontation ON the Causeway of Fiends (how it acted as portal to abyss)

Thanks to: Tempus
    • There comes a time in every man’s life where he must decide who are his friends, and who are not. Such a time came for Tempus, Chosen of Agravelenon. Listen to his tale…
    • The heroes stood atop Kalreth’s fortress, the horrid Permanence. It’s outstretched fingers clawed against the passing clouds in anguish. Kalreth lay, beaten and bloody against a turret and the heroes glanced over each other, themselves tired, beaten and barely alive. No sooner had they felled the incredibly powerful animus, but the Spear of Sorrow they reached for vanished from the hand still clutching it against the wind-swept stone and appeared immediately in the fiery red palm of the dread pit fiend, Pallistren.
    • With an evil laugh, the heroes’ nemesis struck a deal that would have the heroes destroy Onyxgate in exchange for the spear. After they reluctantly agreed, Brother Griften took the spear from the outstretched arm of the Pit Fiend with a strange gleam in his eye . The spear’s baneful effects could not be resisted by the monk’s young mind, and his eyes furrowed in a baleful glance at his companions. Now thoroughly evil, Griften used his psionic powers to disappear from the turret with the spear still clutched tightly, and Pallistren soon disappeared with him.
    • The heroes followed Griften to what they would know later to be a lost temple of “He Whose Name Cannot be Spoken“. Realizing their predicament, Griften‘s long-time friends attempted to carefully overwhelm the fighting monk and take the spear from him, hopefully returning him to his Lawful Good nature. This proved to be quite a task, however, and without using harmful force The Scourge could not subdue the desperate monk.
    • No one knows what the warrior priest was thinking, but in a fit of rage he called upon his god to Slay Living Brother Griften, his friend, his companion of more than two years. They had placed their lives in each other’s hands more times than either could count, and yet Tempus thought little of permanently snuffing out this ‘friends’ life force.
    • Not only did the attempt fail the first time (thanks to an excellent roll), but Tempus tried it again the next round!!! Slay Living!!! This time the power of the magic would overwhelm the monk, and he collapsed under the weight of his companions, dead.
    • What was Tempus thinking?!?!?!
Thanks to: Ventrius
    • Confronting the dread Necromancers of Skahlehn, the heroes had time to formulate a seemingly foil-proof plan. The spellcasters would abstain from casting in their first round, and the warriors would rush into deadly melee against the band of Necromancers. Ventrius, a druidic psionicist entrusted to The Scourge by Dextar Forestguard was to toss a stone enchanted with Silence into the fray and prevent the Necromancers from casting their life-draining magics.
    • All was well, and the heroes gained surprise on the band of dark magicians. The warriors rushed in, the silver of their blades flickering with a deadly light in the dark, torch-lit cavern. The spell-casters readied their spell components, and utilized what protective devices they may for the coming conflict. Confident they would fell the evil ones this time, more than one of the heroes shared a mischievous and delightful grin as the battle was met.
    • And then Ventrius dropped the stone.
    • Fumbling for it in the dark, he could not find the enchanted rock, preventing the necessary magics from the heroes’ spellcasters from taking their effects. Thrown off-guard and suffering shocking morale hits, the heroes continued the battle, but it did not end as they might have liked…
    • Ventrius bowed his head in shame.
Thanks to: Nexxus
    • The heroes confronted Prince Sewardnt. Finally, their suspicions confirmed, we waved his Wand of Disintegration menacingly at the heroes from across the main strip of the town. The Earth Djinnis summoned the powers of Oerth and reduced the street into a mass of muddy ooze, trapping many of the heroes helplessly as they struggled to free themselves.
    • Concealed with the infamous Dust of Disappearance and comfortable in his invisibility, Nexxus saw the dire circumstances of his companions and began to use his magical skills to free his friends; his Fly spell enabling him to pull Tiemel free of the muddy deathtrap. Tempus, J’afrock and Larian freed themselves, and quickly scrambled toward Tempus who had begun the incantations of his favourite spell, Chariot of Sustarre. The powerful magics encircled him, and Riyan, Grier and the heroes grabbed hold of his trailing tabard, awed by the sheer power exuding from the warrior priest.
    • Nexxus, concentrating but for a moment, projected his image to the presence of Sewardnt who was racing to the fray. Taunting him, Nexxus made clear his intentions and hatred for the betraying Prince… “Know now the face of your arch-enemy, and know that it is Nexxus…” the words trailed off as the image faded from infront of the enraged prince.
    • Rounding the corner, the Prince immediately spotted Nexxus who stared defiantly at the prince, preparing a final spell to engulf him in flame. The prince pulled forth another wand, and with a simple command word held Nexxus immobile via the use of a Hold Person spell. Screaming in rage, Nexxus stared hopefully at his companions, engulfed completely in the divine grace of Agravelenon. Underneath them formed a ragind chariot of flame and magma, and upwards they shot into the air, fleeing the Prince and his meager band of followers.
    • As they disappeared into the horizon, Nexxus’ brow furrowed in sheer, unadulterated hatred, his mind barely acknowledging the faint cries of Tiemel in the distance… “We must go back for him, we must…”
    • But Tempus had fled like a coward. He had left his new companion to the designs of the evil Prince. He just decided to leave.
Thanks to: Tempus
    • Nyrond was in turmoil. The ever-present threat that is Duke Szeffrin and his Almorian forces weighs heavily on the Nyrondese populace. The wars had strained the supplies to the country badly, and starvation and stronger nations threatened Nyrond every day. In the north, the Theocracy of the Pale promised the eradication of these problems for the gift of northern Nyrond. A price too high for King Archbold to pay…
    • King Archbold felt than an ambassador from Rel Mord, sent to the major city that was on the verge of declaring independance might quell the imminent threat of their separation. Tanamier, long-time friend of the heroes and original member of The Scourge approached the heroes in their chambers and asked them to accompany Crown Prince Lynwerd to Midmeadow as his protection.
    • The heroes agreed this would be a good idea. They left for Midmeadow and confronted Inquisitor Grishken and the Children of Pholtus who led the independence movement in the city square. A battle of words ensued, and the Children of Pholtus inspired the crowd to riot. Amidst the confusion, several lesser demons were summoned, and Tempus of Agravelenon took aim with Otiluke‘s Freezing Sphere.
    • Unfortunately, the freezing ray missed the demon, but killed an innocent bystander and shattered him to pieces instantly.
    • After the threat had been quelled, Tempus refused to Raise Dead or Resurrect the peasant, much to the dismay of his god, Agravelenon.
Thanks to: Tarax
    • Terrax of the Black Ice is one who practices the dark art. The heroes found themselves within the mists of Ravenloft, and soon within the halls of Strahd von Zarovish’s castle, the dread vampire himself. Terrax felt an almost drawing presence from within a locked room, and the heroes braced for an attack. Tarax left instructions for the heroes to rush in upon his opening the door, so Tanamier, Knight Protector levitated above the door, and the rest of the heroes took cover behind an overturned dining table.
    • When he opened the door, Terrax saw nothing and proceeded to venture into the room where he expected his folly to be hiding. Sure enough, a pair of vampire mistresses lured him further, and the Scourge waited for his sign to attack. There came none. Entranced by the vampiresses beauty and charm, Terrax made no sound and gently closed the door behind him.
    • The Scourge waited.
    • And when they finally opened the door and rushed in to “save their companion”, there was no one in the room but a group of surprised (and giggling) adventurers.
    • Goodbye, Terrax.
Thanks to: Caelynn
    • As the inevitable countdown to the return of The Dark One continues, our heroes continue to get more and more desperate. Investigations lately have reaped few leads, and the weight of the knowledge they could share with no one continued to weigh on their souls.
    • In a moment of inspiration, the heroes did some thinking. Seldom done, rarely effective, the recovery of a former comrade in the form of a grey elf would lead to the information they needed. Acquiring a Helm of Opposite Alignment, the heroes tracked down the clone of Caelynn Silverleaf that wandered the Flanaess with darkness in his heart.
    • At the time, the heroes were enjoying the hospitality of Parin, Lord of Elversford, a fortress of goodness in the Adri forest. With his permission, the heroes line a score of elven archers along the walls surrounding a courtyard where they would stage the abduction and conversion of their former companion.
    • With the use of a scrying device, and the powerful magics wielded by Tempus, Chosen of Agravelenon, the heroes used a Limited Wish to bring the clone of Caelynn to their location, knowing they would have to act quickly to make the change before reality caught up with them.
    • Upon utterance of the last syllable, the heroes stood, surrounding the disoriented clone of their former companion. Cloaked in a dark Robe of the Archmagi, the heroes knew that wearing it with the disposition provided him by the Helm of Opposite Alignment would proved painful and could jeopardize their plan.
    • Their solution? Strip him. Twenty or more horrified elves watched, bows drawn as The Scourge tackled and forcibly stripped the overwhelmed Grey Elf of his garments and slapped a hat on his head. Needless to say, the reputation of the scourge lives on… spreading faster and faster, especially throughout the Adri Forest… hehe
Thanks to: Tempus
    • The Scourge were investigating the possibility that an outlaw band of fighter-bandits might have been holding up residence in a thought-to-be abandoned castle. Under direction of Prince Sewardnt of Nyrond, the heroes approached the construct with bated breath.
    • The exterior of the construct had been protected by various pits and traps, a sign that it was inhabited. Naturally, the outlaws did not wish to be ‘dropped in on’ as The Scourge were about to do. Before they realized, they were surrounded by an Entangle spell, and caught unaware, susceptible to its effects. Due to the Prince’s warning that they might experience resistance to bringing in the leader of the band, Tempus, Chosen of Agravelenon and Warrior Priest decided to rectify the situation in his own way.
    • With a glance upward to the sky and a battle cry few can muster, Tempus invoked the power granted him by his god and cast Earthquake on the fortress. The building shook and the earth trembled, and the entire building collapsed and was utterly destroyed, such was the power of the spell.
    • Inside were thirty or more Neutral Good fighters, all simply performing as “Robin of the Hood” of legend and literally had been stealing from the rich to give to the poor. The leader of the band was killed as well, and as the heroes stared, shocked and dismayed at the warrior priest, Prince Sewardnt turned to leave, a strange smile on his twisted face…
    • Sometimes the good of the one does outweigh the good of the many… 30+ neutral good fighters for the favour of an evil prince… hmmm…
Thanks to: Caelynn
    • The heroes were investigating a ruined castle that was rumoured to be guarded and inhabited by the undead knights that lived there decades ago. The curse was such that every night, a church bell would ring at midnight, and the ringing of this bell would animate the knights that lay across its courtyards like so many fallen warriors.
    • Amidst the ensuing battle, it became obvious to Caelynn Silverleaf, proud elven Bladesinger from Celene that he might not last this fight. The skeleton warriors crowded ever closer, and each of his companions were in similar circumstances. Well-versed in the wielding of magic, the grey elf decided to detonate a Fireball spell on himself.
    • Warned against it by his panicking companions, Caelynn yelled aloud at the sky… “I am a warrior!!!”. Meaning: I’m going to do it anyway. Confident that his magical prowess and the undead weakness to fire would result in ridding them of their unlives and saving himself and Tanamier, Knight Protector he cast the spell.
    • This was not to be, however.
    • Caelynn forgot that he was wearing a Necklace of Missiles. While confident that he and his companion, (both magically protected from spells) would survive the blast, he had not counted on the destruction of his awesome necklace. The detonation of the Fireball disintegrated the Necklace of Missiles and caused the magic therein each ruby to be released. Six successive Fireballs ranging from 5HD to 9HD exploded simultaneously, and needless to say, Caelynn was utterly destroyed.
    • The damage was so vast, that all the undead within the blast radius (ground zero) AND Tanamier died as well.
    • And we’re so happy….. (clap, clap)
Thanks to: Brother Griften
    • The Scourge of the Underdark was infiltrating the Aboleth Fortresses and the Towers of Domination in the Sunless Sea. During their escape, a young, innocent and naive monk quickly realized that he had expended much of his psionic strength trying to protect his companions and his own hide.
    • In a last-ditch effort to escape, Brother Griften summoned the last of his psionic strength from his small selection of powers, and levitated into the air, trying desperately to attain the horizontal movement which the psionic power does not provide.
    • A derro dwarf, seeing the fleeing monk, took careful aim and blasted him with a powerful lightning bolt, sending our young hero hurtling through the air across the Sunless Sea in a brilliant but embarrassing, streak of light and sound.
Thanks to: Vyrlayn, Riyan & Tarax
    • The troubles in the lands of Geoff continue. After defeating the Lords of Doom in a climactic confrontation, the heroes retired back to Nyrond to gain their bearings and hear word of the lands to the east. No sooner had they arrived, did they hear about a resurgence in the forces there, seemingly under new leadership capable of controlling the giant-kin.
    • But in Nyrond, The Scourge‘s attentions were required as well. So, The Scourge split; Riyan, Tarax, Grier, Vyrlayn, and Tiemel ventured back west to quell this threat before it jeopardized the lives of those who though at last they would have the peace they dreamed of.
    • Soon after they arrived in a town not a days travel from the capital, Gorna, and true to the reports they had, found the towns deserted and that giants freely walked the lands again. Not only that, but orcs flooded the deserted towns, and lay waste to anything they saw.
    • With surprising cunning and his renowned bravado, Tiemel distracted and confused much of the forces in the area, and corralled the orcs not thrown into a panic into a valley where a trap was set. Now called The Ministry of the Blade, the heroes prepared as the horde of orcs charged into the valley.
    • Upon seeing the charge, Tarax cast his Cloudkill spell, ready to waft over them as they entered the valley. Unfortunately, he could not see the foray, and levitated above the opaque mist to act as a target for the rampaging orcs as they marched forward.
    • The orcs, however, were armed with many ranged weapons and began unleashing a hail of arrows at the shocked Tarax. Realizing his mistake and having spent only 1 round held aloft, he quickly stopped his ascension and began to descend, causing the orcs to charge. Disguised as an orc himself, Riyan began to attack the orcs as they rushed away from him, towards Tarax, obviously preventing them from rushing into the cloud, and causing many of them to turn on him.
    • Not a good idea.
    • Thirdly Vyrlayn, anxious to contribute to the foray cast Fumble on the area the orcs rushed in, causing many of them to fall and drop their weapons, spending precious rounds to pick them up. By the time the Cloudkill spell reached the horde of orcs, its duration had been reached, and the entire plan was a miserable failure.
Courtesy of Tempus, Chosen of Agravelenon
    • There comes a time in every man’s life where he must decide who are his friends, and who are not. Such a time came for Tempus, Chosen of Agravelenon. Listen to his tale…
    • The heroes stood atop Kalreth’s fortress, the horrid Permanence. It’s outstretched fingers clawed against the passing clouds in anguish. Kalreth lay, beaten and bloody against a turret and the heroes glanced over each other, themselves tired, beaten and barely alive. No sooner had they felled the incredibly powerful animus, but the Spear of Sorrow they reached for vanished from the hand still clutching it against the wind-swept stone and appeared immediately in the fiery red palm of the dread pit fiend, Pallistren.
    • With an evil laugh, the heroes’ nemesis struck a deal that would have the heroes destroy Onyxgate in exchange for the spear. After they reluctantly agreed, Brother Griften took the spear from the outstretched arm of the Pit Fiend with a strange gleam in his eye . The spear’s baneful effects could not be resisted by the monk’s young mind, and his eyes furrowed in a baleful glance at his companions. Now thoroughly evil, Griften used his psionic powers to disappear from the turret with the spear still clutched tightly, and Pallistren soon disappeared with him.
    • The heroes followed Griften to what they would know later to be a lost temple of “He Whose Name Cannot be Spoken“. Realizing their predicament, Griften‘s long-time friends attempted to carefully overwhelm the fighting monk and take the spear from him, hopefully returning him to his Lawful Good nature. This proved to be quite a task, however, and without using harmful force The Scourge could not subdue the desperate monk.
    • No one knows what the warrior priest was thinking, but in a fit of rage he called upon his god to Slay Living Brother Griften, his friend, his companion of more than two years. They had placed their lives in each other’s hands more times than either could count, and yet Tempus thought little of permanently snuffing out this ‘friends’ life force.
    • Not only did the attempt fail the first time (thanks to an excellent roll), but Tempus tried it again the next round!!! Slay Living!!! This time the power of the magic would overwhelm the monk, and he collapsed under the weight of his companions, dead.
    • What was Tempus thinking?!?!?!
Courtesy of Ventrius, Disciple of Griften
    • Confronting the dread Necromancers of Skahlehn, the heroes had time to formulate a seemingly foil-proof plan. The spellcasters would abstain from casting in their first round, and the warriors would rush into deadly melee against the band of Necromancers. Ventrius, a druidic psionicist entrusted to The Scourge by Dextar Forestguard was to toss a stone enchanted with Silence into the fray and prevent the Necromancers from casting their life-draining magics.
    • All was well, and the heroes gained surprise on the band of dark magicians. The warriors rushed in, the silver of their blades flickering with a deadly light in the dark, torch-lit cavern. The spell-casters readied their spell components, and utilized what protective devices they may for the coming conflict. Confident they would fell the evil ones this time, more than one of the heroes shared a mischievous and delightful grin as the battle was met.
    • And then Ventrius dropped the stone.
    • Fumbling for it in the dark, he could not find the enchanted rock, preventing the necessary magics from the heroes’ spellcasters from taking their effects. Thrown off-guard and suffering shocking morale hits, the heroes continued the battle, but it did not end as they might have liked…
    • Ventrius bowed his head in shame.
Courtesy of neXXus
    • The heroes confronted Prince Sewardnt. Finally, their suspicions confirmed, we waved his Wand of Disintegration menacingly at the heroes from across the main strip of the town. The Earth Djinnis summoned the powers of Oerth and reduced the street into a mass of muddy ooze, trapping many of the heroes helplessly as they struggled to free themselves.
    • Concealed with the infamous Dust of Disappearance and comfortable in his invisibility, Nexxus saw the dire circumstances of his companions and began to use his magical skills to free his friends; his Fly spell enabling him to pull Tiemel free of the muddy deathtrap. Tempus, J’afrock and Larian freed themselves, and quickly scrambled toward Tempus who had begun the incantations of his favourite spell, Chariot of Sustarre. The powerful magics encircled him, and Riyan, Grier and the heroes grabbed hold of his trailing tabard, awed by the sheer power exuding from the warrior priest.
    • Nexxus, concentrating but for a moment, projected his image to the presence of Sewardnt who was racing to the fray. Taunting him, Nexxus made clear his intentions and hatred for the betraying Prince… “Know now the face of your arch-enemy, and know that it is Nexxus…” the words trailed off as the image faded from infront of the enraged prince.
    • Rounding the corner, the Prince immediately spotted Nexxus who stared defiantly at the prince, preparing a final spell to engulf him in flame. The prince pulled forth another wand, and with a simple command word held Nexxus immobile via the use of a Hold Person spell. Screaming in rage, Nexxus stared hopefully at his companions, engulfed completely in the divine grace of Agravelenon. Underneath them formed a ragind chariot of flame and magma, and upwards they shot into the air, fleeing the Prince and his meager band of followers.
    • As they disappeared into the horizon, Nexxus’ brow furrowed in sheer, unadulterated hatred, his mind barely acknowledging the faint cries of Tiemel in the distance… “We must go back for him, we must…”
    • But Tempus had fled like a coward. He had left his new companion to the designs of the evil Prince. He just decided to leave.
Courtesy of Tempus, Chosen of Agravelenon
    • Nyrond was in turmoil. The ever-present threat that is Duke Szeffrin and his Almorian forces weighs heavily on the Nyrondese populace. The wars had strained the supplies to the country badly, and starvation and stronger nations threatened Nyrond every day. In the north, the Theocracy of the Pale promised the eradication of these problems for the gift of northern Nyrond. A price too high for King Archbold to pay…
    • King Archbold felt than an ambassador from Rel Mord, sent to the major city that was on the verge of declaring independance might quell the imminent threat of their separation. Tanamier, long-time friend of the heroes and original member of The Scourge approached the heroes in their chambers and asked them to accompany Crown Prince Lynwerd to Midmeadow as his protection.
    • The heroes agreed this would be a good idea. They left for Midmeadow and confronted Inquisitor Grishken and the Children of Pholtus who led the independence movement in the city square. A battle of words ensued, and the Children of Pholtus inspired the crowd to riot. Amidst the confusion, several lesser demons were summoned, and Tempus of Agravelenon took aim with Otiluke‘s Freezing Sphere. Unfortunately, the freezing ray missed the demon, but killed an innocent bystander and shattered him to pieces instantly.
    • After the threat had been quelled, Tempus refused to Raise Dead or Resurrect the peasant, much to the dismay of his god, Agravelenon.
Courtesy of Terrax of the Black Ice
    • Terrax of the Black Ice is one who practices the dark art. The heroes found themselves within the mists of Ravenloft, and soon within the halls of Strahd von Zarovish’s castle, the dread vampire himself. Terrax felt an almost drawing presence from within a locked room, and the heroes braced for an attack. Tarax left instructions for the heroes to rush in upon his opening the door, so Tanamier, Knight Protector levitated above the door, and the rest of the heroes took cover behind an overturned dining table.
    • When he opened the door, Terrax saw nothing and proceeded to venture into the room where he expected his folly to be hiding. Sure enough, a pair of vampire mistresses lured him further, and the Scourge waited for his sign to attack. There came none. Entranced by the vampiresses beauty and charm, Terrax made no sound and gently closed the door behind him.
    • The Scourge waited.
    • And when they finally opened the door and rushed in to “save their companion”, there was no one in the room but a group of surprised (and giggling) adventurers.
    • Goodbye, Terrax.
Courtesy of Caelynn Silverleaf
    • As the inevitable countdown to the return of The Dark One continues, our heroes continue to get more and more desperate. Investigations lately have reaped few leads, and the weight of the knowledge they could share with no one continued to weigh on their souls.
    • In a moment of inspiration, the heroes did some thinking. Seldom done, rarely effective, the recovery of a former comrade in the form of a grey elf would lead to the information they needed. Acquiring a Helm of Opposite Alignment, the heroes tracked down the clone of Caelynn Silverleaf that wandered the Flanaess with darkness in his heart.
    • At the time, the heroes were enjoying the hospitality of Parin, Lord of Elversford, a fortress of goodness in the Adri forest. With his permission, the heroes line a score of elven archers along the walls surrounding a courtyard where they would stage the abduction and conversion of their former companion.
    • With the use of a scrying device, and the powerful magics wielded by Tempus, Chosen of Agravelenon, the heroes used a Limited Wish to bring the clone of Caelynn to their location, knowing they would have to act quickly to make the change before reality caught up with them.
    • Upon utterance of the last syllable, the heroes stood, surrounding the disoriented clone of their former companion. Cloaked in a dark Robe of the Archmagi, the heroes knew that wearing it with the disposition provided him by the Helm of Opposite Alignment would proved painful and could jeopardize their plan.
    • Their solution? Strip him. Twenty or more horrified elves watched, bows drawn as The Scourge tackled and forcibly stripped the overwhelmed Grey Elf of his garments and slapped a hat on his head. Needless to say, the reputation of the scourge lives on… spreading faster and faster, especially throughout the Adri Forest… hehe
Courtesy of Tempus, Chosen of Agravelenon
    • The Scourge were investigating the possibility that an outlaw band of fighter-bandits might have been holding up residence in a thought-to-be abandoned castle. Under direction of Prince Sewardnt of Nyrond, the heroes approached the construct with bated breath.
    • The exterior of the construct had been protected by various pits and traps, a sign that it was inhabited. Naturally, the outlaws did not wish to be ‘dropped in on’ as The Scourge were about to do. Before they realized, they were surrounded by an Entangle spell, and caught unaware, susceptible to its effects. Due to the Prince’s warning that they might experience resistance to bringing in the leader of the band, Tempus, Chosen of Agravelenon and Warrior Priest decided to rectify the situation in his own way.
    • With a glance upward to the sky and a battle cry few can muster, Tempus invoked the power granted him by his god and cast Earthquake on the fortress. The building shook and the earth trembled, and the entire building collapsed and was utterly destroyed, such was the power of the spell.
    • Inside were thirty or more Neutral Good fighters, all simply performing as “Robin of the Hood” of legend and literally had been stealing from the rich to give to the poor. The leader of the band was killed as well, and as the heroes stared, shocked and dismayed at the warrior priest, Prince Sewardnt turned to leave, a strange smile on his twisted face…
    • Sometimes the good of the one does outweigh the good of the many… 30+ neutral good fighters for the favour of an evil prince… hmmm…
Courtesy of Caelynn Silverleaf
    • The heroes were investigating a ruined castle that was rumoured to be guarded and inhabited by the undead knights that lived there decades ago. The curse was such that every night, a church bell would ring at midnight, and the ringing of this bell would animate the knights that lay across its courtyards like so many fallen warriors.
    • Amidst the ensuing battle, it became obvious to Caelynn Silverleaf, proud elven Bladesinger from Celene that he might not last this fight. The skeleton warriors crowded ever closer, and each of his companions were in similar circumstances. Well-versed in the wielding of magic, the grey elf decided to detonate a Fireball spell on himself.
    • Warned against it by his panicking companions, Caelynn yelled aloud at the sky… “I am a warrior!!!”. Meaning: I’m going to do it anyway. Confident that his magical prowess and the undead weakness to fire would result in ridding them of their unlives and saving himself and Tanamier, Knight Protector he cast the spell.
    • This was not to be, however.
    • Caelynn forgot that he was wearing a Necklace of Missiles. While confident that he and his companion, (both magically protected from spells) would survive the blast, he had not counted on the destruction of his awesome necklace. The detonation of the Fireball disintegrated the Necklace of Missiles and caused the magic therein each ruby to be released. Six successive Fireballs ranging from 5HD to 9HD exploded simultaneously, and needless to say, Caelynn was utterly destroyed.
    • The damage was so vast, that all the undead within the blast radius (ground zero) AND Tanamier died as well.
    • And we’re so happy….. (clap, clap)
Courtesy of Brother Griften Insaith of the Yellow Rose
    • The Scourge of the Underdark was infiltrating the Aboleth Fortresses and the Towers of Domination in the Sunless Sea. During their escape, a young, innocent and naive monk quickly realized that he had expended much of his psionic strength trying to protect his companions and his own hide.
    • In a last-ditch effort to escape, Brother Griften summoned the last of his psionic strength from his small selection of powers, and levitated into the air, trying desperately to attain the horizontal movement which the psionic power does not provide.
    • A derro dwarf, seeing the fleeing monk, took careful aim and blasted him with a powerful lightning bolt, sending our young hero hurtling through the air across the Sunless Sea in a brilliant but embarrassing, streak of light and sound.
The Vyrlayn, Riyan, Terrax Show
    • The troubles in the lands of Geoff continue. After defeating the Lords of Doom in a climactic confrontation, the heroes retired back to Nyrond to gain their bearings and hear word of the lands to the east. No sooner had they arrived, did they hear about a resurgence in the forces there, seemingly under new leadership capable of controlling the giant-kin.
    • But in Nyrond, The Scourge‘s attentions were required as well. So, The Scourge split; Riyan, Tarax, Grier, Vyrlayn, and Tiemel ventured back west to quell this threat before it jeopardized the lives of those who though at last they would have the peace they dreamed of.
    • Soon after they arrived in a town not a days travel from the capital, Gorna, and true to the reports they had, found the towns deserted and that giants freely walked the lands again. Not only that, but orcs flooded the deserted towns, and lay waste to anything they saw.
    • With surprising cunning and his renowned bravado, Tiemel distracted and confused much of the forces in the area, and corralled the orcs not thrown into a panic into a valley where a trap was set. Now called The Ministry of the Blade, the heroes prepared as the horde of orcs charged into the valley.
    • Upon seeing the charge, Tarax cast his Cloudkill spell, ready to waft over them as they entered the valley. Unfortunately, he could not see the foray, and levitated above the opaque mist to act as a target for the rampaging orcs as they marched forward.
    • The orcs, however, were armed with many ranged weapons and began unleashing a hail of arrows at the shocked Tarax. Realizing his mistake and having spent only 1 round held aloft, he quickly stopped his ascension and began to descend, causing the orcs to charge. Disguised as an orc himself, Riyan began to attack the orcs as they rushed away from him, towards Tarax, obviously preventing them from rushing into the cloud, and causing many of them to turn on him.
    • Not a good idea.
    • Thirdly Vyrlayn, anxious to contribute to the foray cast Fumble on the area the orcs rushed in, causing many of them to fall and drop their weapons, spending precious rounds to pick them up. By the time the Cloudkill spell reached the horde of orcs, its duration had been reached, and the entire plan was a miserable failure.