Deeper into the Dragon Wood

Fast Xombies (Beatrice, Frank, John…
Scene 1 – The Village of Far Pines
Meteorite Xombie
Brain-Absorber Xombie
Scene 2 – Xombie Attack

  • heroes continue through the dragon wood


  • orb going too fast for us to keep up
  • Brath ping-pongs back and forth between orb and party – ravine
  • the group spans ravine with rope brath carries goes back and forth

  • fight fast xombies who are returning from crater


  • continue forward and see huge # of zombies everywhere
  • Brath uses 6/elf queen to shield everyone in camouflage as we approach
  • orb starts glowing blue and protects us from mind-affecting effects coming from the meteor
  • we are all struck with the knowledge that the meteor is a living dungeon hurled into space from a previous age’ archmage
  • it’s trying to come back
  • heroes go to investigate


Author: Turnerbuds