TBD – listed as 2004-01-03

Jan 03, 2004


We put the “Sabo” in Sabotage…


The heroes try and catch their breath after slaying bigass blue dragon

Callimar feels shamed because he was caught in the Dragon’s mouth and did little else

J’afrock feels regret that they felled a magestic beast at the simple whim of ANOTHER spellcaster

Dave’s trying to make J’afrock Anti-Magic begins to show through here

Griften tries to make the heroes aware that they were magically controlled, and this gets J’afrock even more upset.

J’afrock warns with a quick glance in the air that they should not talk here; the archmage Rary is likely watching them and listening to what they say.

The group travels to the Nondetection room in Blazebane to discuss matters further.

Callimar is uncharacteristically impatient and displeased with their surroundings, having never been to this room

Probably pissed that the heroes were “hiding” from Rary

Griften leaves to inquire as to Tanamier‘s location

Griften finds a sentry guard and questions as to Tanamier‘s location. Saying he’s at ‘the front’, the guard becomes suspicious of Griften

a failed “psionic persuasion” and the guard demands he follow him to be interrogated

on the way, griften sees a horribly rent body slam up against a nearby archway, moaning his last with horrible ‘bites’ all over his body

griften and the guard see a horrible (scan the picture) pseudonatural troll in the courtyard thrashing people

Griften runs to tell the others, but meanwhile…

… the heroes in the Nondetection room hear something… callimar & J’afrock both hear the commotion outside and run to see what’s going on

they see the courtyard below, and callimar grabs j’afrock and flies out the window

sengei leaps from the window, landing with a thud and a shudder

J’afrock drops from callimar‘s grasp and does a devastating charge against the troll; but simply bounces off its tough hide

callimar flies down and tries a swipe, but does little to the Troll as it laughs, and in unison all the mouths say, “I’ll not be that easy to fell, orc!”

meanwhile, people in the things arms are dying horrible deaths

Sengei recovers from his leap, furrows his brow and unleashes a thin green ray of energy, disintegrating the troll into a layer of fine dust

J’afrock uses a couple of potions to bring some of the dying sentries back to life

Griften arrives on the scene with a thud, and begins to absorb some of the sentries’ wounds into himself

an image of Rary appears in the courtyard where he says, “impressive after that impressive fight with the dragon.” Rary says that this was but a sample of Jelleneth’s new powers; that she has grown “quite adept” at summoning these beings. he says we deserve a reward, and that we should go to him for it.

j’afrock insists on talking bakc in the room of nondetection.

frustrated, griften vents his feelings of ineptitude to sengei and callimar

callimar, feeling upset at this “hiding trend” flies off into the air without another word

griften begins helping the survivors drag away and bury the bodies of the dead, j’afrock, afraid to leave Griften alone.. helps

the two arrive back in the nondetection room later that day expecting to find callimar and sengei, but neither are there

griften and j’afrock sleep there that night


Author: Turnerbuds