The wind swept buffeted the flaps of the tents busily and the heroes each felt like they were frozen; paralyzed by the uncertainty of what to do next.
Sheikh Khaldun and his son were still in the tent with Jamal and Yodfah. No noise could be heard, but the ogre retinue they brought made enough noise milling about to thwart any eavesdropping the heroes could do where they stood. The massive warmonger genie Khaizuran stood, arms folded at the mouth of the tent, staring with hatred at the Khaldun’s genie guard but posing a formidable deterrent to enter the tent.
Having quickly whispered to his party, the feeling of panic grew in Faruq‘s stomach; Yodfah was not to be trusted! The wine almost certainly was a ploy!

Faruq‘s brow was furrowed in frustration, his eyes cast downward, his robe stained again with his own blood.
Why must I always fail? I have lost so much… we have lost so much. Auntie… Chaka… my younger brothers… the Cyclone of the Four Quarters… Ayyam… Fadiyah… my leg… I am cursed, surely. Even Kilisaan’s ‘promises’ have not been kept… Sachiel does not answer me, and who knows how many are dying in Wasat? I promised to keep Fadiyah safe and failed. I was blind to the Grandfather’s test and failed. Even now I cannot keep an honest man safe. My enemies have no fear of me and I am powerless to combat them. I truly am a ‘little mortal’ as Diliram said… what is the use… perhaps this is my fate…
Faruq dragged his sleeve across his watering eyes and pulled his hood again over his head. Reluctantly, embarrassed, he struggled to stand, avoiding eye contact with his companions.
DM has connected.
Roberto has connected.
Fab P has connected.
David has connected.
jonasty has connected.
jonasty: which map?
Printz: is making a Investigation check…
Printz: INVISIBILITY (cast as Level 3)
2nd Level Illusion
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a yew leaf)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Spellcasting Ability: +4
2 creature(s) you touch becomes invisible until the spell ends. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on the target`s person. The spell ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell.
Azizullah: Mage Armor
Range: Touch
Effect: You touch a willing creature who is not wearing armor, and a protective magical force surrounds it until the spell ends. Base AC becomes 13 + its Dex mod. The spell ends if the target dons armor or if you dismiss the spell as an action.
Duration: 8 hours
Azizullah: Azizullah spends 2 Spell Points and the new total is 42.
Printz: is making a Stealth check…
Printz: is making a Perception check…
Azizullah: here eat these beans
Roheen Ademi: whispers to you…
“can she talk to him telepathically?”
Printz: is making a Stealth check…
Faruq: You whisper to Fab P:
“Don’t think so”
Printz: is making a Stealth check…
Faruq: is making a Persuasion check…
Printz: is making a Arcana check…
Azizullah: nice move
Printz: Printz has been DM Inspired!
Printz: HUMAN Determination
Target: self
Effect: When making an ATTACK, ABILITY, OR SAVE, you have ADVANTAGE. Once used, regain use afer SHORT or LONG rest.
Printz: is making a Persuasion check…
Printz: is making a Perception check…
Azizullah: Initiative!
Initiative Result: 10 (7)
w/(dis)Adv: 12 (9)
Faruq: Initiative!
Initiative Result: 5 (2)
w/(dis)Adv: 12 (9)
Roheen Ademi: Initiative!
Initiative Result: 16 (11)
w/(dis)Adv: 14 (9)
Printz: Initiative!
Initiative Result: 5 (2)
w/(dis)Adv: 22 (19)
Kal: Initiative!
Initiative Result: 16 (10)
w/(dis)Adv: 16 (10)
Kal gains a Advantage on Initiative rolls from the Feral Instinct Barbarian class feature.
Table D12 (Ogre 5):
Table D12 (Ogre 5):
Table D12 (Ogre 5):
Table D12 (Ogre 5):
Ogre 1: Ogre 1 has been Grappled
Ogre 6: Ogre 6 has been Grappled
Ogre 7: Ogre 7 has been Grappled
Ogre 9: Ogre 9 has been Grappled
Printz has received initiative.
DM: (Round 1) Current states for Printz are…
Inspiration (DM) ~
Faruq: top of maptools – Window – Initiative
Printz: Printz is casting Greater Invisibility as a level 4 spell
… Save DC 15 / Spell ability +4 / Spell attack +7
Printz: Printz is Invisible
Printz: Printz is Concentrating
Khaizuran the Warmonger Genie: SPIKED CHAIN
Attack (+9): 13 … (or 17 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+5): 15 piercing damage (or 26 on a crit)
________________________________________Range: 15 ft. (melee)
Khaizuran the Warmonger Genie: SPIKED CHAIN
Attack (+9): 27 … (or **CRIT** 29 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+5): 14 piercing damage (or 27 on a crit)
________________________________________Range: 15 ft. (melee)
Table D8 (Roheen Ademi):
Roheen Ademi: Roheen Ademi has used their Reaction
Roheen Ademi: … Roheen Ademi takes 1 damage (Current HP is now 86 of 87).
Khaizuran the Warmonger Genie: SPIKED CHAIN
Attack (+9): 21 … (or **CRIT** 29 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+5): 16 piercing damage (or 22 on a crit)
________________________________________Range: 15 ft. (melee)
Printz: Cutting Words: D8
♦ Bardic Ability ♦
Casting Time : 1 reaction
Range : 60 feet
Duration : Instantaneous
Effect : Use your wit to distract, confuse, and otherwise sap the confidence and competence of others. When a creature that you can see within 60 ft of you makes an ATTACK roll, an ABILITY CHECK, or a DAMAGE roll, you can use your REACTION to expend a Bardic Inspiration and roll a Bardic Inspiration die (-7) and subract the number rolled from the creature’s roll. The creatue is immune if it can’t hear you or if it immune to being charmed.
Roheen Ademi: … Roheen Ademi takes 9 damage (Current HP is now 77 of 87).
Printz: Printz has used their Reaction
Khaizuran the Warmonger Genie: Inspire Violence
Range: 30 ft.
Target: 1 Allied Target
Effect: The target may use its reaction to move up to its speed and make a melee attack.
Ogre 10: Greatclub
♦ Melee Weapon ♦
Reach: 5 feet
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 20 (14), or 26 – CRITICAL (20)
Damage: 13 bludgeoning damage (or 17 on a crit)
Roheen Ademi: … Roheen Ademi takes 17 damage (Current HP is now 69 of 87).
Kal has received initiative.
DM: (Round 1) Current states for Kal are…
Invisible ~
Kal: RAGE 1
Target: Self
Effect: You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. When you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you gain a bonus to the damage roll that increases as you gain levels as a barbarian, as shown in the Rage Damage column of the Barbarian table. (+2). You have resistance to all damage (except psychic).
Attack (+3): 15 … (or 8 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+17): 19 slashing damage (or 26 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Heavy, Two-handed
Attack (+3): 9 … (or 22 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+17): 27 slashing damage (or 36 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Heavy, Two-handed
Ogre 4: Greatclub
♦ Melee Weapon ♦
Reach: 5 feet
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 8 (2), or 12 (6)
Damage: 10 bludgeoning damage (or 28 on a crit)
Ogre 10: Ogre 10 has used their Reaction
Besper: Auran Scimitar
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 12 (3), or 15 (6)
Damage: 9 slashing damage (or 19 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 2 additional lightning or thunder damage (or 3 on a crit)
Besper: Auran Scimitar
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 18 (9), or 19 (10)
Damage: 11 slashing damage (or 18 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 1 additional lightning or thunder damage (or 5 on a crit)
Besper: Auran Scimitar
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 26 (17), or 25 (16)
Damage: 15 slashing damage (or 24 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 4 additional lightning or thunder damage (or 8 on a crit)
Azizullah: “]
Scorching Ray
Range: 120 ft.
Target: Target(s)
Attack: 26 (18), or 11 (3)
Hit: 1st ray 2d6 + 5 (Cha mod) Fire Dmg
Additional rays 2d6 Fire Dmg
Miss: n/a
Effect: You create 3 rays of fire and hurl them at targets within range. You can hurl them at one target or several. Make a ranged spell atk for each ray.
At Higher Levels: You create 1 additional ray for each spell slot level above 2nd.
Elemental Adept Feat: Ignore Fire Resistance
Fire in Blood: Add Cha mod to Fire Dmg
Jamal al-Yindannim: Jamal al-Yindannim is casting Scorching Ray as a level 3 spell
… Save DC 12 / Spell ability +0 / Spell attack +4
Jamal al-Yindannim: Scorching Ray
Range: 120 feet
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 20 (12), or 13 (5)
Damage: 14 fire damage (or 22 on a crit)
Jamal al-Yindannim: Scorching Ray
Range: 120 feet
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 24 (16), or 18 (10)
Damage: 10 fire damage (or 16 on a crit)
Jamal al-Yindannim: Scorching Ray
Range: 120 feet
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 22 (14), or 27 (19)
Damage: 12 fire damage (or 19 on a crit)
Jamal al-Yindannim: Scorching Ray
Range: 120 feet
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 11 (3), or 10 (2)
Damage: 9 fire damage (or 18 on a crit)
Kal: … Kal takes 18 damage (Current HP is now 92 of 110).
Ogre: Javelin
♦ Ranged Weapon ♦
Reach: 30/120
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 13 (7), or 26 – CRITICAL (20)
Damage: 13 piercing damage (or 20 on a crit)
Diliram: Auran Scimitar
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 11 (2), or 29 – CRITICAL (20)
Damage: 13 slashing damage (or 21 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 6 additional lightning or thunder damage (or 10 on a crit)
Diliram: Auran Scimitar
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 20 (11), or 24 (15)
Damage: 13 slashing damage (or 19 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 3 additional lightning or thunder damage (or 9 on a crit)
Diliram: Auran Scimitar
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 25 (16), or 26 (17)
Damage: 13 slashing damage (or 20 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 2 additional lightning or thunder damage (or 8 on a crit)
Ogre 8: Javelin
♦ Ranged Weapon ♦
Reach: 30/120
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 9 (3), or 18 (12)
Damage: 10 piercing damage (or 24 on a crit)
Azizullah has received initiative.
DM: (Round 1) Current states for Azizullah are…
Azizullah: Fireball
Range: 150 ft.
Target: 20 ft. radius
Save DC: 16 (vs. DEX)
Hit: A target takes 8d6 + 5 (Cha mod) fire damage
Miss: Save for half dmg
Effect: The fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.
Elemental Adept Feat: Ignore Fire Resistance
Fire in Blood: Add Cha mod to Fire Dmg
Azizullah: Azizullah spends 5 Spell Points and the new total is 37.
Besper: Dex Save
Saving Throw: 21
w/(dis)Adv: 19
Jamal al-Yindannim: Dex Save
Saving Throw: 16
w/(dis)Adv: 22
Khaizuran the Warmonger Genie: Dex Save
Saving Throw: 5
w/(dis)Adv: 13
Azizullah: Rolling 8d6… 2, 3, 1, 2, 6, 5, 5, 3… for a total of: 27.
Elemental Adept Feat: Treat any 1 on a dmg die as a 2 when spell deals FIRE dmg.
Azizullah: Azizullah spends 1 Sorcery Points and the new total is 9.
Azizullah: Fire in Blood
Effect: When you cast a spell that deals FIRE dmg, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to gain FIRE resistance for 1 hour.
Ogre 2: Javelin
♦ Ranged Weapon ♦
Reach: 30/120
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 12 (6), or 16 (10)
Damage: 12 piercing damage (or 16 on a crit)
Faruq has received initiative.
DM: (Round 1) Current states for Faruq are…
Inspiration (DM) ~
Faruq: Faruq is casting Hold Person as a level 4 spell
… Save DC 16 / Spell ability +5 / Spell attack +8
Jamal al-Yindannim: Wis Save
Saving Throw: 25
w/(dis)Adv: 20
Ogre 3: Greatclub
♦ Melee Weapon ♦
Reach: 5 feet
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 19 (13), or 22 (16)
Damage: 17 bludgeoning damage (or 16 on a crit)
Faruq: … Faruq takes 17 damage (Current HP is now 60 of 77).
Ogre 5: Greatclub
♦ Melee Weapon ♦
Reach: 5 feet
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 10 (4), or 26 – CRITICAL (20)
Damage: 11 bludgeoning damage (or 20 on a crit)
Ogre 4: Greatclub
♦ Melee Weapon ♦
Reach: 5 feet
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 25 (19), or 14 (8)
Damage: 15 bludgeoning damage (or 25 on a crit)
Kal: … Kal takes 7 damage (Current HP is now 85 of 110).
Roheen Ademi has received initiative.
DM: (Round 1) Current states for Roheen Ademi are…
Ogre 5: Greatclub
♦ Melee Weapon ♦
Reach: 5 feet
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 13 (7), or 15 (9)
Damage: 18 bludgeoning damage (or 20 on a crit)
Roheen Ademi: SCIMITAR
Burn, bitch!
Attack (+8): 25 … (or 10 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+5): 7 slashing damage (or 11 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 11 fire damage (or 19 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Finesse, Light
Notes: This is a magical weapon attack
Roheen Ademi: SCIMITAR
Burn, bitch!
Attack (+8): 18 … (or 22 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+5): 7 slashing damage (or 13 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 11 fire damage (or 21 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Finesse, Light
Notes: This is a magical weapon attack
Table D8 (Roheen Ademi):
Faruq: Don’t think the Initiative Window worked for Roheen. He doesn’t have an initiative value… he should be at 16
Roheen Ademi has received initiative.
Attack (+8): 20 … (or 10 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+4): 8 slashing damage (or 13 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Finesse, Light
Yodfah: Sneak Attack
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Damage: 35 untyped damage
Kal: … Kal takes 21 damage (Current HP is now 64 of 110).
Faruq: Fab:
Printz: Vicious Mockery
Range: 60 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Save DC: 15 (vs. WIS)
Damage: 6 psychic damage
Effect: creature has disadvantage on its next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.
Yodfah: Wis Save
Saving Throw: 18
w/(dis)Adv: 10
Printz: Bardic Inspiration: D8
You can inspire others through stirring words or music.
Casting Time : 1 bonus action
Range : 60 feet
Duration : 10min or until used
Effect : Once within the next 10min, the creature can roll an extra D8 and add the result to 1 ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use this bonus, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.
Kal: Kal has been Bard Inspired!
Khaizuran the Warmonger Genie: Leadership
♦ Melee Weapon Attack ♦
Reach: 30 feet
Target: 1 Target
Effect: For 1 minute, the hobgoblin can utter a special command or warning whenever a nonhostile creature that it can see within 30 feet of it makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can add a d4 to its roll provided it can hear and understand the hobgoblin. A creature can benefit from only one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if the hobgoblin is incapacitated.
Faruq: You whisper to Roberto:
“Think it’s worth trying to banish the warmonger genie?”
Khaizuran the Warmonger Genie: SPIKED CHAIN
Attack (+9): 27 … (or 17 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+5): 13 piercing damage (or 24 on a crit)
________________________________________Range: 15 ft. (melee)
Khaizuran the Warmonger Genie: Martial Advantage
Damage: 21 additional damage
Effect: Once per round, when an ally is adjacent to the target.
Azizullah: whispers to you…
“i was going to try both dudes who went to the tent”
Roheen Ademi: Roheen Ademi has used their Reaction
Table D8 (Roheen Ademi):
Roheen Ademi: … Roheen Ademi takes 21 damage (Current HP is now 48 of 87).
Faruq: You whisper to Roberto:
“k i’ll try too as my last spell”
Khaizuran the Warmonger Genie: CHAIN SHARDS
The genie whips its chain, firing razor-sharp links!
Attack (+5): **CRIT** 25 … (or 10 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+1): 11 piercing damage (or 19 on a crit)
Range: 30 ft.
Properties: none, Finesse
Khaizuran the Warmonger Genie: CHAIN SHARDS
The genie whips its chain, firing razor-sharp links!
Attack (+5): 8 … (or 21 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+1): 16 piercing damage (or 24 on a crit)
Range: 30 ft.
Properties: none, Finesse
Faruq: … Faruq takes 19 damage (Current HP is now 41 of 77).
Attack (+3): 22 … (or 13 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+17): 29 slashing damage (or 35 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Heavy, Two-handed
Attack (+3): 14 … (or 12 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+17): 20 slashing damage (or 26 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Heavy, Two-handed
Attack (+3): 16 … (or 7 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+17): 23 slashing damage (or 26 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Heavy, Two-handed
Table D8 (Kal):
Yodfah: Yodfah has used their Reaction
Ogre 10: Greatclub
♦ Melee Weapon ♦
Reach: 5 feet
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 26 – CRITICAL (20), or 18 (12)
Damage: 13 bludgeoning damage (or 23 on a crit)
Printz: Bardic Inspiration: D8
You can inspire others through stirring words or music.
Casting Time : 1 bonus action
Range : 60 feet
Duration : 10min or until used
Effect : Once within the next 10min, the creature can roll an extra D8 and add the result to 1 ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use this bonus, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.
Table D8 (Printz):
Roheen Ademi: … Roheen Ademi takes 18 damage (Current HP is now 30 of 87).
Besper: Auran Scimitar
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 27 (18), or 14 (5)
Damage: 16 slashing damage (or 24 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 4 additional lightning or thunder damage (or 6 on a crit)
Besper: Auran Scimitar
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 10 (1), or 19 (10)
Damage: 16 slashing damage (or 25 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 2 additional lightning or thunder damage (or 8 on a crit)
Besper: Auran Scimitar
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 20 (11), or 12 (3)
Damage: 14 slashing damage (or 21 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 4 additional lightning or thunder damage (or 10 on a crit)
Ogre 10: Greatclub
♦ Melee Weapon ♦
Reach: 5 feet
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 17 (11), or 26 – CRITICAL (20)
Damage: 15 bludgeoning damage (or 23 on a crit)
Roheen Ademi: SCIMITAR
Burn, bitch!
Attack (+8): 10 … (or 15 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+5): 8 slashing damage (or 10 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 12 fire damage (or 18 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Finesse, Light
Notes: This is a magical weapon attack
Roheen Ademi: SCIMITAR
Burn, bitch!
Attack (+8): 19 … (or **CRIT** 28 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+5): 8 slashing damage (or 9 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 6 fire damage (or 17 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Finesse, Light
Notes: This is a magical weapon attack
Jamal al-Yindannim: Jamal al-Yindannim is casting Misty Step as a level 2 spell
… Save DC 12 / Spell ability +0 / Spell attack +4
Jamal al-Yindannim: Fire Bolt
Range: 120 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 12 (4), or 22 (14)
Damage: 14 fire damage (or 34 on a crit)
Ogre: Javelin
♦ Ranged Weapon ♦
Reach: 30/120
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 23 (17), or 23 (17)
Damage: 9 piercing damage (or 16 on a crit)
Azizullah: … Azizullah takes 9 damage (Current HP is now 41 of 50).
Diliram: Auran Scimitar
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 10 (1), or 23 (14)
Damage: 12 slashing damage (or 20 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 3 additional lightning or thunder damage (or 6 on a crit)
Diliram: Auran Scimitar
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 26 (17), or 19 (10)
Damage: 14 slashing damage (or 21 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 2 additional lightning or thunder damage (or 6 on a crit)
Diliram: Auran Scimitar
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 12 (3), or 25 (16)
Damage: 12 slashing damage (or 15 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 3 additional lightning or thunder damage (or 5 on a crit)
Faruq: You whisper to Roberto:
“if you end your turn adjacent to me, I can cast a spell on you on my turn”
Ogre 8: Greatclub
♦ Melee Weapon ♦
Reach: 5 feet
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 7 (1), or 25 (19)
Damage: 9 bludgeoning damage (or 20 on a crit)
Azizullah has received initiative.
DM: (Round 1) Current states for Azizullah are…
Khaizuran the Warmonger Genie:
Azizullah: Twinned Spell
Effect: When you cast a spell that targets only 1 creature and does not have a range of self, you can spend a number of sorcery points equal to the spell level to target a 2nd creature in range with the same spell (1 sorcery point if the spell is a cantrip).
Azizullah: Azizullah spends 4 Sorcery Points and the new total is 5.
Azizullah: Banishment
Range: 60 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Save DC: 16 (vs. CHA)
Effect: If the target is native to the plane of existence you are on, you banish the target to a harmless demiplane. While there, the target is incapacitated. The target remains there until the spell ends, at which point the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
If the target is native to a different plane of existence than the one you are on, the target is banished with a faint popping noise, returning to its home plane.
If the spell ends before 1 minute has passed, the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. Otherwise, the target does not return.
At Higher Levels: Target one additional creature for each slot level above 4th.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Azizullah: Azizullah spends 6 Spell Points and the new total is 31.
Khaizuran the Warmonger Genie: Cha Save
Saving Throw: 6
w/(dis)Adv: 6
1) Advantage vs. Magic
Jamal al-Yindannim: Cha Save
Saving Throw: 18
w/(dis)Adv: 9
Azizullah: Azizullah is Concentrating
Ogre 2: Javelin
♦ Ranged Weapon ♦
Reach: 30/120
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 23 (17), or 8 (2)
Damage: 10 piercing damage (or 18 on a crit)
Azizullah: … Azizullah takes 10 damage (Current HP is now 31 of 50).
Concentration Check (DC10)
Con Save
Saving Throw: 8 (3)
w/(dis)Adv: 15 (10)
Azizullah: Con Save
Saving Throw: 10 (5)
w/(dis)Adv: 10 (5)
Azizullah: Human Determination
Effect: You are filled with a determination that can draw the unreachable within your reach.
When you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can do so with advantage.
Faruq has received initiative.
DM: (Round 1) Current states for Faruq are…
Inspiration (DM) ~
Ogre 8: Greatclub
♦ Melee Weapon ♦
Reach: 5 feet
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 22 (16), or 23 (17)
Damage: 11 bludgeoning damage (or 21 on a crit)
Ogre 3: Greatclub
♦ Melee Weapon ♦
Reach: 5 feet
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 21 (15), or 16 (10)
Damage: 18 bludgeoning damage (or 25 on a crit)
Faruq: … Faruq takes 29 damage (Current HP is now 12 of 77).
DM: Only cantrips after a bonus action spell
Azizullah: oh ok
Faruq: Faruq is casting Fly as a level 4 spell
… Save DC 16 / Spell ability +5 / Spell attack +8
Faruq: Faruq is Concentrating
Ogre 3: Greatclub #160;
♦ Melee Weapon ♦
Reach: 5 feet
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 21 (15), or 22 (16)
Damage: 6 bludgeoning damage (or 27 on a crit)
Azizullah: Shield
Range: Self
Effect: An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack, and you take no damage from magic missile.
Azizullah: Azizullah spends 2 Spell Points and the new total is 29.
Ogre 5: Javelin
♦ Ranged Weapon ♦
Reach: 30/120
Target: 1 creature
Attack: 8 (2), or 14 (8)
Damage: 12 piercing damage (or 16 on a crit)
Attack (+8): 24 … (or 15 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+4): 6 piercing damage (or 7 on a crit)
Range: 30/120
Properties: Ammunition, Loading, Light
Yodfah: Sneak Attack
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Damage: 32 untyped damage
Azizullah: … Azizullah takes 38 damage (Current HP is now -7 of 50).
Concentration Check (DC19)
Con Save
Saving Throw: 11 (6)
w/(dis)Adv: 21 (16)
Printz has received initiative.
DM: (Round 2) Current states for Printz are…
Invisible ~ Concentration ~
Printz: Ray of Frost
Range: 60 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 8 (1), or 18 (11)
Damage: 14 cold damage (or 29 on a crit)
Hit: creatures speed is reduced by 10 ft until the start of your next turn.
Khaizuran the Warmonger Genie: SPIKED CHAIN
Attack (+9): 26 … (or 13 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+5): 17 piercing damage (or 22 on a crit)
________________________________________Range: 15 ft. (melee)
Khaizuran the Warmonger Genie: SPIKED CHAIN
Attack (+9): 11 … (or 20 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+5): 13 piercing damage (or 25 on a crit)
________________________________________Range: 15 ft. (melee)
Khaizuran the Warmonger Genie: SPIKED CHAIN
Attack (+9): 24 … (or 18 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+5): 19 piercing damage (or 27 on a crit)
________________________________________Range: 15 ft. (melee)
Faruq: … Faruq takes 17 damage (Current HP is now -5 of 77).
Concentration Check (DC10)
Con Save
Saving Throw: 20 (16)
w/(dis)Adv: 9 (5)
Kal has received initiative.
DM: (Round 2) Current states for Kal are…
Inspiration (Bard) ~
Attack (+3): 14 … (or 19 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+17): 23 slashing damage (or 33 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Heavy, Two-handed
Attack (+3): 6 … (or 7 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+17): 25 slashing damage (or 32 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Heavy, Two-handed
Besper: Auran Scimitar
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 17 (8), or 19 (10)
Damage: 12 slashing damage (or 18 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 5 additional lightning or thunder damage (or 8 on a crit)
Besper: Auran Scimitar
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 21 (12), or 22 (13)
Damage: 8 slashing damage (or 13 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 2 additional lightning or thunder damage (or 6 on a crit)
Besper: Auran Scimitar
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Attack: 21 (12), or 28 (19)
Damage: 10 slashing damage (or 16 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 5 additional lightning or thunder damage (or 8 on a crit)
Roheen Ademi has received initiative.
DM: (Round 2) Current states for Roheen Ademi are…
Bloodied ~
Roheen Ademi: SCIMITAR
Burn, bitch!
Attack (+8): 19 … (or 26 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+5): 6 slashing damage (or 9 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 8 fire damage (or 17 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Finesse, Light
Notes: This is a magical weapon attack
Roheen Ademi: SCIMITAR
Burn, bitch!
Attack (+8): 17 … (or 15 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+5): 7 slashing damage (or 12 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 7 fire damage (or 16 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Finesse, Light
Notes: This is a magical weapon attack
Yodfah: Yodfah has used their Reaction
Roheen Ademi: ACTION SURGE
Effect: Take an additional action
Roheen Ademi: SCIMITAR
Burn, bitch!
Attack (+8): 26 … (or 19 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+5): 9 slashing damage (or 15 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 4 fire damage (or 10 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Finesse, Light
Notes: This is a magical weapon attack
Roheen Ademi: SCIMITAR
Burn, bitch!
Attack (+8): 23 … (or 9 with Adv./Dis.)
Damage (+5): 8 slashing damage (or 13 on a crit)
Extra Damage: 6 fire damage (or 12 on a crit)
Range: 5 ft. (melee)
Properties: Finesse, Light
Notes: This is a magical weapon attack
Table D8 (Roheen Ademi):
Roheen Ademi: Second Wind
Target: Self
Damage: 13 untyped damage
Effect: You regain this much in hit points
Printz: Printz is casting Mass Healing Word as a level 3 spell
… Save DC 15 / Spell ability +4 / Spell attack +7
Roheen Ademi has received initiative.
Table D4 (Printz):
jonasty: all can take 7 hp
Printz: Printz has been DM Inspired!
Roheen Ademi: Roheen Ademi has been DM Inspired!
Kal: Kal has been DM Inspired!
Printz: Song of Rest
Effect: you can use soothing music or oration to help revitalize your wounded allies during a short rest. If you or any friendly creatures who can hear your performance regain hit points at the end of the SHORT rest, each of those creatures regains an extra 1d6 hit points.
Roheen Ademi: spends a Hit Die to gain 11 hp… 0hp wasted.
Table D6 (Printz):
Kal: spends a Hit Die to gain 13 hp… 0hp wasted.
Azizullah: spends a Hit Die to gain 7 hp… 0hp wasted.
Kal: spends a Hit Die to gain 8 hp… 0hp wasted.
Kal: spends a Hit Die to gain 11 hp… 0hp wasted.
Azizullah: spends a Hit Die to gain 7 hp… 0hp wasted.
Azizullah: spends a Hit Die to gain 6 hp… 0hp wasted.
Azizullah: spends a Hit Die to gain 8 hp… 0hp wasted.
Azizullah: spends a Hit Die to gain 6 hp… 0hp wasted.
Roheen Ademi: spends a Hit Die to gain 14 hp… 0hp wasted.
Roheen Ademi: spends a Hit Die to gain 12 hp… 0hp wasted.
Roheen Ademi: spends a Hit Die to gain 7 hp… 1hp wasted.
Faruq: spends a Hit Die to gain 11 hp… 0hp wasted.
Faruq: spends a Hit Die to gain 10 hp… 0hp wasted.
Faruq: spends a Hit Die to gain 9 hp… 0hp wasted.
Faruq: spends a Hit Die to gain 11 hp… 0hp wasted.
Faruq: spends a Hit Die to gain 6 hp… 0hp wasted.
Faruq: spends a Hit Die to gain 8 hp… 0hp wasted.
Diliram: Wind Walk
Range: 5 ft.
Target: 1 Target
Hit: Duration of 8 hours
Miss: PHB p.288
Effect: You and up to ten willing creatures you can see within range assume a gaseous form for the duration, appearing as wisps of cloud. While in this cloud form, a creature has a flying speed of 300 feet and has resistance to damage from nonmagical weapons. The only actions a creature can take in this form are the Dash action or to revert to its normal form. Reverting takes 1 minute, during which time a creature is incapacitated and can`t move. Until the spell ends, a creature can revert to cloud form, which also requires the 1-minute transformation. If a creature is in cloud form and flying when the effect ends, the creature descends 60 feet per round for 1 minute until it lands, which it does safely. If it can`t land after 1 minute, the creature falls the remaining distance.