- the heroes meet up at the inn (like INn of the last home) as a result of Aamraq‘s letters
- Head north to Winterhaven to meet Douven Staul
- Travelling towards Winterhaven, DUngeon Delve: COppernight Hold
- Torinn walks into Inn from the cold outside
- Walks up to bar without saying anything and barkeep asks him if he wants a drink
- says no, then barkeep asks what he’s there for, and he replies, “I received a letter.”
- Barkeep quickly mentions by the look of you, probably here to solve our trouble
- Torinn replies “what trouble”, and the barkeep looks surprised. Even though he tries to give more to drink, Torinn refuses again
- A tall figure and another plainly-dressed man shrouded in the shadows watch Torrin‘s exchange (Aamraq & Varis)
- After a brief introduction and Aamraq‘s thanks, they learn that:
- 50 years ago, settlers ancient secure crypts
- hallowed graveyard
- Maracress is the headwoman/mayor (she worships Rao)
- Riyan Reesagosen has disappeared
- Laren attacked by zombies
- family disappeared two days ago
- Abducted are:
- Maracress comes to explain to heroes that they’re being plagued by undead and she needs heroes to empty the crypt
- Offers to pay gold and take care of all expenses, to which heroes agree
- Varis says they’ll discuss, and she said come see her when we decide.
- Once she leaves, a boy named Max offers to show the heroes the direction of the graveyard.
- Rather than wait, the heroes decide to go immediately to the Crypts to see what’s going on.
- On the way, stop at a small farmstead where Laren (who was attacked by zombies) lives.
- He describes having seen a zombies face in teh dirt, and when he ran, dogs caught him and bit his leg (bandaged).
- Torinn looks at leg (heal check) and sees that it’s not bandaged properly.
- He offers to re-bandage it and cuts off diseased flesh with his clawed finger. Despite the pain, Laren thanks Torinn for his attentions.
- The heroes turn to the GY and see three large crypts at the other end.
- Varis scouts around the entire graveyard, but sees nothing of consequence and returns to the heroes prompty at the gate.
- Torinn , tired of no action strides forward.
- The heroes accompny him, and almost as if stepping into the GY signals the undead to their presence, a Skeleton and 3 dogs appear.
- Varis: 1 shot killed skeleton
- Aamraq: blasts mantle of infidel hoses hound
- Hounds: 3 attack aamraq but resists from necrotic
- Torin: Spinning sweep hit & prone dog
- Varis hit
- Aamraq: rebuke and HOSES all dogs; very successful; and pushed them away
- hounsd attack torin and cut into him
- Varis shoots 1 dog
- Aaamraq uses execration and kills another
- Torin hits sure strike
- Varis twin strike and finishes a dog
- The heroes then hear a scream from the three crypts
- Aamraq recognizes arcane sigils broken on crypt but knows they’re religious in origin but NOT a good religion!
- Torrin rips open the huge stone door from where they heard screaming
- Pitch black in crypt but a ghostly arm extends and drains Torinn for 15 damage!
- Skeleton rushes forth and stabs Torinn
- Aamraq turns the undead, pushes them away & slides Torinn back a stp adjacent to VVaris
- Varis shoots skeleton
- visions of blood kills banshee-thing
- Varis finishes skeleton
- screaming coming from ditch
- Lise and Kyla rescued, but husband and Varen still missing