An Old Evil Felled

  • The heroes decide to accept Sulphacititzeous‘ challenge
  • Griften scries the creature who does nothing to hide his location, and the heroes teleport to the mountaintop where he sits to end the threat he made against Blazebane
  • A climactic fight ensues, with the dragon striking with such ferocity that all the heroes are awestruck at the power of the elder dragon.
  • Griften, focused on his companions is grabbed up by the dragon and only survived a direct use of its breath weapon because of the magical protection of Ashreal
  • The summoned bears whittle away at the dragon as it did not consider them serious threats
  • J’afrock, in his element, becomes a whirling dervish of destruction, carving into the dragon through its hide of steel with the savagery for which he has become infamous
  • Freed from the dragon’s grip, Griften is able to dispel its arcane protections, and the heroes, focusing on the one monstrous evil, are able to defeat the dragon
  • Certain they are not alone on the mountainside, the heroes elect to leave for Griften‘s Citadel to recoup their injuries, and to return at a later time to look for the dragon’s hoard and clues
  • Griften invites the heroes to wander and relax in the Citadel, resting the night in peace and safety
  • The morning begins with a note delivered from the enigmatic bard Gwydiesin, asking them to join him immediately in the Grandwood

Wasting no time, the heroes gather again to travel immediately to the forest.

Author: Eric