- Waurren tracks down the heroes by:
- Waurren wakes up with eveyrone gone – asks around town – no one has seen us
- “These mother fuckers… ghosted me”
- Waurren writes to Othorion explaining the situation and receives word back that Othorion was keeping track as well and know that we are
- Because the Crusader enslaves demons and can use their gates, maybe he was… gated there?
- leads to a cliff edge – extends out more
- wide shelf inside very large cavern
- the bridge only reaches halways across to a huge stalactiate
- bottom ends 80 ft below the ledge we’re standing on
- The stalactite IS Lars‘ hideout
- 3 bridges all extend from the stalactite in different directions around its circumference,
- The heroes decide to send Waurren across the gap to find more information
- As the grooves on the side of the drawbridge that you can hang on to
- Waurren inspects the defenses, and sees that if he can climb to the top of the drawbridge, he can see where the ropes are that could be cut
- Waurren climbs up and cuts the ropes
- THe Drawbridge falls with a cacophonous crash and the heroes rush forward – certain the giants are already waiting for them…
- Stop if you’re overfeeding him – he’s due – don’t be that way – he’s a good boy – yes you are I don’t like the way he’s looking at me – woogie –
- Fire flickering ahead, Legion pushes Nidalru again
- tied to a set of wood plans
- Bleeding high elf with hatchet in his skin
- Two headed Giant lounges at table
- His dog (Wuggy the Demon Dog)
- The elf is only semi-conconsious
- Jive says it’s not Aofel
- he says he’s on the next level where Lars is
- Puki Stabilizes him – definitely has a concussion
- Gaints have various valuables – mostly elven jewellery
- Diamond Dog had gold chain collar
- Beer is stale but drinkable
- Sacks of flour and beans in the casks
- the stairs ascend 100 feet, then another
- A low cracking an poppping noicse echoes off the wall, then quiet
- A good size chamber with thick iron bars with thick iron chain – a pale elven arm extended beyond the bar
- Casks scattered
- On an upper level, a stone giant
- The back of the balcony holds an open window that overlooks the spire cavern
- Lars calls out to the heroes:
- So , the plan worked then? Good you are good for squishing
- Baathrugon: The rest of them are yours, I’ll be waiting outside, ew have much to discuss, you and I but consider this the first of my debt, repaid
- Baathrugon attacks Jives – Jives shites himself, crying after Baathrugon’s attack
- I: Surrendor or die, or I’ll give your soul to the Demon
- J: panicks whimpering
- Bathruugon: Careful mortal, I am no demon, finish with this one, and we’ll discuss our debt to each other.
- Legion summons shades to guard Jives
- Puki heals Eofel – who are you?
- P: I am the great saviour, Puki – you are now in my debt.
- Surely, this is true –
- P: let us take you out of this cage & tend to your injuries
- Broad Strokes: After the stone thief was destroyed, many people were left in separated dungeons – they ended up just underground with no passage to the surface, only the most powerful were able to escape – there’s a league of their own of enemies that found out their plans were screwed over
- master throatcutter
- Nioba Shieldspinner – plots to take over stone thief – nidalru boldfaced lied – was drawn to what she claims
- perido ghot’s out of the stone thief – not good for the elf queen
- The hag Phieg has joined
- and the Flesh Tailor
- as has Rasputin – not dead!??! was dead – but using the shadow magic of the dark elves they brought him back in a somewhat intangible state
- also says they’ve teamed up with another group
- not quite the same revenge goal, but did offer their assistance
- they do’nt fully trust them, they just know they hate the prince of shadows
- this whole thing was an attempt to get us here to kill them
- Jives says Peridot wnats to replace the Elf Queen
- pheig wants to be an icon
- rasputin wants to replace the POS
- that’s what attracted ‘this other group’ to the injustice heroes
- each time a rep came to injustice league – was a diferent race, sex, etc – nothing to link them
- Dopplegangers in Eldolan?
- Yeah – that’s why they’d look like each other – Jives thinks they’re dopplegangers and that’s why
- paying a debt to Idris – he’s no demon – he’s a devil – you’ve encountered SOME, but much more rare
- Ages ago – during a previou sage when they ran the empire, they were put down through an icon combination in stasis deep in the underworld
- placed with machines to keep them from going
- he knows we destroyed the clock to hell – it wasn’t demons, it was them
- they’re a bit more lawful, so he’s been tracking us down
- You freed us, he freed us