The Demon’s Crown

Blade Demon
Despoiler Mage
The Crown of Hellish Delight
The Crusader
The Orc Lord
Map – Pursuing the Crown of the Demon
General Gareth
Ursel, Leader of The Golden Knights
Rasputin, ‘Leader’ of The Syndicate


  • found ourselves in a hellhole of living flesh
  • in combat with 4 demons
  • everyone except legion remembered that we were tasked through Waurren that we were tasked to go alongside to get something called the crown of hell
  • waurren explained that he’s doing this for his friend othorion (dark knigth for crusader & elf queen) because Oth thinks the person in charge of this shouldn’t get his hands on the crown
  • Wanted to create a 2nd assault to get the crown to bring it back to him while the main force ‘distracts’ the main demons
  • just defeated ‘normal people’ – demonically grafted mechanical limbs on them – without aenesthetic – only thing keeping them from dying – lust demon distracting them from teh pain
  • Destroyed the lust demon and demonic jailer
  • recovered
  • Paizzu is the demon apparently from whom we have to stop getting the crown

  • following along the tunnel and hpoing not to get lost – who’s directing the opening and closing of the flesh walls
  • everyone now and then hear sounds of battle clanging of metal on metal but soon swallowed up by the slurp of flesh walls
  • Following tunnel up for a minute almost goes completely vertical
  • Quick rush up the steps into 2 level chamber
  • ground level – 2 humanoid demons – hacking apart a horse
  • vapors from u shaped pool – pincer demon wearing crown of black iron
  • Idris pretty sure the pool is like “stomach acid”
  • the floor has a spongy quality – it sort of ‘gives’ when we walk on it
  • Legion suspects the crown is what lets Paizzu control the dungeon
  • “Ah – more guests – let us feast, brothers”


  • Puki thinks he’s heard something about the corwn – the Crown of Hellish delight – status, mostly – the wearer can bend reality around them, but only if they’re attuned to the type of area (Demons = Hellhole)
  • Not sure what it would do if someone else wore ite
  • Puki – wisdom check – wonders what it would be like if someone like The Crusader wore it… pretty sure the Crusader has a greater will than Paizu
  • Since the Crusader takes over hellholes instead of just destroying them

  • Legion & puki both hear sounds of Metal clanging coming from the other end of the room – and someone barking orders
  • Pretty sure they’re soldiers of the Crusader!
  • The heroes (except) Legion – remember that they get the crown and give it back to Othorion
  • Legion is pretty sure if they are solidres of the Crusader that we don’t want them seeing me… and he tells the heroes
  • Legion reinforces wall with Hold Portal
  • Legion light to see thin walls but nothing
  • Everyone jumps into asshole

  • End up on other side of where Crusader forces
  • Legion remmebers nothing
  • They spoke to Waurren, waurren asked if on behalf of his commander would we do this, they agreed, they seemed unsure but Waurren impressed that he didn’t want the Crusader not to get it, but afraid that if the person who was runing the assault might not have actually gotten it
  • have heard of Othorion as one of the heroes ‘up north’ who fought against the Orc Lord
  • they know they’re not far from the hellmarsh – after a bit of looking we find our ship
  • fly low key out so the crusader‘s forces don’t see us
  • return to eldolan and dock in our secure warehouse
  • legion gives crown to Idris and goes to magic school
  • other heroes go to meet Waurren

  • Waurren is in between 2 groups – 1) very young members of the Crusader – black iron mail too big for them – worried
  • 3rd group – 2 people – severe looking dark elf – (prob othorion) – yelling forcefully talking (older man) salt and pepper beared full head of hair in black plate gear
  • Othorion giving the human a serious ‘talking to’ gesturing at Undeaunted then points at his own chest, points at his own chest, then points back at the undaunted
  • the human doesn’t seem to be impressed – distinct impression he outranks othorion
  • gives a stern look to Waurren and stalks off
  • The two guys in front of undaunted are nervous – Waurren looks nervous – looks at Puki (uh oh mom and datd are fighting)
  • one of the younger guys 18/19 yrs – says “Begging your pardon but are you the ones that were contacted by this waurren?
  • Idris: We were
  • 18: I don’t know what he sent you on, but whtever it is, maybe it would be good to bring it to him now?  They’re about to tear each others heads off
  • I: what the hell is going on?
  • Waurren: dismisses the two young guys and leans forward, “I don’t know what’s happening.  Somehow someone found out about Othorion‘s little side mission – that’s the captain, that’s the one he didn’t want to have it.  Don’t give it to Othorion now.  you can giv3e it to me, and I can give it to him if you like
  • I: No, we’ll give it to Othorion later.  Idris makes sure they see people give Waurren something

  • Idris checks in with Gold Wyrm facility and checks in with Ursel – any more doppleganger sightings?
  • Check GGW library re: crown
  • The small library HQ for the Golden Nights is amller than in Hildebrande
  • Ursel seems him come in – watches her a bit before announcing himself
  • parchment in front of her – holding a quill – pinching the bridge of her nose – puts the quill down, rubs her temples… looks older
  • Rremmeber the conversation about at one point she’ll be tool old for this and wants Idris to take over – wondering if it’s sooner than he though
  • She seems him
  • U: Idris, come in
  • I: Enters respectfully.  How are you?
  • U: Tired – not sleeping well – not… looks around… having trouble accessing the Dreamscape… I still feel… the Wyrm here – holds her heart – but can no longer feel him… out here (waves her hand) if that makes sense?
  • I: have others been expressing this convern?  Or just you
  • U: I haven’t shared this with anyone else. I keep hoping the next time I fall asleep he’ll talk to me in my dreams – hasn’t happened in a week.  How about you?  When was the last time you entered the dreamscape?
  • I: Not that recently…. but now that she metnions it… Idris HAS been having trouble dreaming… meditating… hasn’t tried to enter it specificall… and wondering… why?  And perhaps a bit reluctant to try… for fear that it might not wor
  • Idris tells Ursel about Pheig having escaped from The Stone Thief – she escaped and could shape the Dreamscape… she might be actively preventing us from Dreaming
  • U: Eyes pop wide open… A Hag?!  Pinches the bridge of her nose… I don’t know if that’s even possible.. What did you do to earn the enmity of the hag?
  • I: Same we did to all the others… denied them access to The Stone Thief so they could destroy the world….
  • U: She chuckles ok… good reason then… that might be it… if that’s the case…. Despair flies across her face… “What do we do about this?  Your enemies are my enemies, but if you’ve got a group like this… that are actively hunting you down… but the sooner you and  your friends can deal with this, the better… it’s not good if we cna’t contact the GGW… the Crusader has moved a platoon nearby.  The archmage isn’t paying attention – this is supposed to be one of his towns… I didn’t think ew’d be able to stay… but now the Crusader‘s forces are here… we share the same enemy, but beyond that…
  • I: We’ll deal with the group as quickly as we can, but there must be some methods or rituals to strengthen prayers and overpower just 1 hag.  We could research to empower us, with great numbers praying as one…
  • U: Nods… i think… I’ve got someone who i can count on for this sort of thing… he tends to be busy, but I’ll look into this.  You look into these enemies of yours, I’ll meet with you and share what we’ve found

  • Judith is waiting for Idris – wapologizes for not being there to send you off last
  • Understands about dopplegangers, but asks whether Eldolan is safe for her anymore
  • J: I did speak with Sateen – she told me what you said… so… people that used to live in the stone thief are now hunting you?  Then they’re hunting me… I dodged something when a doppleganger took your form to approach me.  What if one takes my form to approach you?  Maybe better if I’m not in the pciture
  • I: I understand and while reticent to let you out of my sight, i’ll hear your proposal
  • J: I have a lot of atoning for this sinful life… I might do a pilgrimage to Santa Cor?
  • I: Maybe a good idea, but who will rpotect you?
  • J: I might go under cover… I’ve done it before, but if you really feel I should do so with a bodyguard… do you have anyone to recommend?  I want
  • I: I will ask Ursel… or perhaps… Waurren
  • J: I know him
  • I: He’s demonstrated himself in combat, let me see if he’s willing
  • Idris decides instead to reach out to Merian instead of Waurren

  • Puki goes to bank to check if things are in order
  • Goes to local Priestess library to see if he can learn anything about the Crown as well (uses 6 with priestess)
  • Eldolan is aligned more with Archmage than Priestess, but…
    • Finds one reference to one of the dark gods who had a crown described as made of cold iron, 3 towers on the crown (like horns, the middle taller than th eother) – crude picture – looks a lot like the one we found
    • it was supposedly on the head of a minor dark god

  • Nidalru checks in with underground contacts re: Syndicate and Dopplegangers
  • Not a lot of crime in the city… does spend some time at The Happy Dolphin where they ventured when they first arrived in Eldolan
  • Most people are reacting very poorly to you – not interested in sharing anything with you, basically accusing you of drawing them into things plaguing the Undaunted
  • Offered to buy a drink but gets threatened – getting nowhere!
  • But maybe… it’s not just you… everyone is side-eyeing everyone else… Nidalru things they’re acting like legion – everyone’s suspicious

  • Legion have found something about the Pain of Many Worlds – several weapons that people have been able to use o cut
  • a saber that a very famous pirate use – used to cut through realities and escape with his booty, or another an axe that can hew through –
  • they’re coloquially called reality-tearers – they’re bad – you know from looking at them this is one of the Archmages’s research projects – interested in and just forgot – they’re unpredicatble about what reality you tear into – often only temporary – but stuff comes through – side note: star-masks?
  • asks them to contineu

The Undaunted meet up again

  • Waurren is there:
  • Waurren: I can get Othorion here if you want, or if you’ve changed your mind, I can give it to him
  • Legion: Instead, tell me how I acted when you first told us of this ask by your commander, Othorion (very accusative)
  • W: (offended) Um… step back please
  • L: (leaning in) Too easy, young one – for I have no recollection of this ‘conversation’ – nor do any of us know how we got to the Hellmarshes in the first place…
  • Waurren is feeling almost combative because Legion is putting pressure on him
  • Waurren asks Idris & Puki to step in between him and Legion
  • Idris asked Legion to step back and gives him a stern look
  • W: “Sure you acted like an asshole, just like you are now
  • Idris explains why
  • W: It could e simple – entering that hellhole could have caused Confusion & mind fog – I can get a report from the others to see if they experienced that as well.  You guys didn’t seem to have a problem with it, other than you legion – like always
  • Legion doesn’t buy it (obviously)
  • To everyone else, Waurren seems to be telling the truth
  • Idris says we should meet Othorion
  • W: Did you want to follow me? (sarcastic at Legion)
  • I: Stop acting like children (at both Waurren and Legion)

20m later Waurren comes back with Othorion

  • Puki notices that Othorion looks extremely stressed – he’s hiding it beneath severity, but something’s weighin on him
  • O: So you’re the ones that Waurren asked to do this mission – it’s always nice to know that my colleagues have powerful allies – slayers of the Stone Thief, no less
  • I: We did
  • O: big sigh of relief – so – where have you hidden it – where is it?
  • I: We just wanted to know what the commotion was that we walked in on the other day
  • O: reluctant to dismiss it – I supposed i should tell you… looks at Waurren a bit…. I wasn’t as discrete as I though – the man you saw was General Garethgareth is ambitious – I had no intention on keeping the crown from our dark lord and master – but gareth thought it would be more appropriate for a higher up to give it to him – but i’m not.  I don’t plan on being a desk general – looks at Wuarren
  • W: You can trust them
  • O: I’m not sure… on pain of death this does not leave this room – I’m not sure the general IS the general
  • I: Are you running into issues with… how should I put it…. people doing unexpected thigns and doing things they’re not supposed to be?
  • O: No, not exactly… people active strangely… out of character… not knowting things they’re expected to know….
  • I: I undrestand Waurren has told you we’re experiencing similar issues with people impersonating us…
  • O: Yes, he mentioned it, but my initial thought was possession
  • Legion whacks Idris‘ boot with the foot of his staff at the joke
  • Othorion pissed that he thinks we might be imposters now – glares at Waurren
  • O: What have you brought me into?  Who am I even talking to NOW, subordinate?!  Did you verify who they were first?  Dopplegangers!?
  • Waurren taken aback – didn’t even consider it
  • Othorion now very suspicious of all of the Undaunted – how do I know who I’m even talking to?
  • Idris suggests codewords, but says handing over the crown is pretty good evidence
  • O agrees when Idris says he’ll give the crown – and agrees it’s smart to establish passwords & codes
  • I: your idea of a possession is a fair one – for a high-ranking general of the crusader to walk around with regular protections, it would have to be a very powerful demon to beat it
  • O: There are no shortage of powerful demons
  • Idris takes the crown out of his satchel and slides it across the table to Othorion

  • The heroes decide to pursue puki‘s ‘treasure map’ next
  • Idris goes to talk to Merian to “escort the escort” – Judith to Santa Cora
  • Legion goes to give an item to the mages at the mage tower to motivate them to keep pursuing stuff on his behalf – make them feel like part of the process
  • Legion gonna start researching his spell to trigger Rasputin with his essence
Author: Turnerbuds