- The heroes decided that while Legion has an experiment going on in the background to track and find Rasputin using the essence he captured when we last defeated him, they would explore
- The map Puki bought it some trance… or… something (we don’t know)
- Puki is feeling pretty good about this decision – really good… like “I didn’t realize how much I wanted this, but now I really want this…”
- everyone likes treasure, but… this is… different
- since it was such a high-quality map, the heroes are confident the information is at least accurate…
- following the map’s instructions are easy – they are super-specific and super-accurate
- there’s also a really convenient place to land Cloudskimmer…
- Legion is very suspicious
- Nidalru looks at Puki and says “I suspect we’re going to return to Eldolan and ask for our money back. How has anyone missed this – how has anyone missed this? It’s not even covered by a foliage of any time.
- Puki: But there’s treasure in there, we must continue.
- Standard cave down – looks like it used to be used
- The underdark is typically comprised of 3 layers:
- top: Forge – includes gnomes as well as dwarves
- mid: start encountering weird stuff: ettercaps, spider creatures, dark-elves, fish-people, weirder creatures.
- deep: mind-bending agoraphobic, tentacle-based stuff.
- Puki realizes this is a passage tha tused to go to the previous dwarven city of Anvil
- used to be the capital city of dwarf kingdom
- Anvil was on 2nd level, was prosperous for a long time.
- Got into war with dark elves and either by accident or on purpose (dark elves never say) released a maassive poison gas, so dwarves had to leave Anvil
- supposed to be still poisoned today
- Puki is sure this is heading in the general direction of Anvil – but it SHOULD be REALLY far
- The heroes continue inwards, and soon come upon a landmark:
| Legion |
- A stalagmite growing up from the cave floor, standing 5 feet tall
- oddly shaped like a stocky dwarf – not carved, but apparently shaped from the very natural surroundings around
- even though covered in moss and webs, it’s clear that there are marking around the foot of this landmark indicating a lot of traffic – possibly a worship in ages past?
- Continuing along – nothing in our way – no goblins, no spiders, this is the easiest thing we’ve done
- Nidalru says aloud – this is not “on brand” for a major treasure hoard… not even any traps
- As they still continue along, they eaach quietly start thinking about what might be in this treasure hoard..
| Idris |
- the legendary armor of a Gold Dragon knight
- somehow there’s no body in it… just lying on the top of a pile of coins
- gleaming still – no decay at all
- fits Idris perfectly
- Convinced it’s there…. your intuition says it’s there for sure!
- the heroes continue for another couple of hours – no opposition – no impediments at all
- they stumble across another landmark
| Puki |
- a series of weights and scales
- clearly used to weigh the treasure that must be close!
- the scales represent the order – you’re entering royal territory that would have belonged to the Dwarf King long ago
- all law is suspended here, all but that of the Dwarf king – no other icon holds sway
- Invigorated by this (+20 temp hp)
| Legion |
- Legion also has images of the magnificent hoard enter his mind…
- … wouldn’t it be incredible to find another of the incredibly-rare reality-tearing weapons in this hoard?
- I could use it to further my understanding of what’s happening to me…
- Maybe it could be a big scythe of pure black energy… the handle would be carved from a single bone from a hideous creature
- I know… a terrible weapon to use in battle, but I could absoloutely tear a hole in reality
- A little further along, the heroes realize they are passing through a long-abandoned dwarven outpost
- there are skeletons so old they’d crumble to dust
- THey smell something the air – but so far from Anvil we shouldn’t be able to smell poison
| Puki |
- Thinking about the treasure again, Puki feels almost excited at the prospect of finding the treasure, hoarding it, and keepig it for himself
- he imagines himeslf on a throne made of ruby – piles of coins and urns and bowls stacked all around him for as far as the eye can see
- Walking through the hoard – organizing the hoard by coin and age
- spending the rest of his life organizaing – no ong bothering you, no sideways glances that you’re not a real dwarf
- with THIS hoard… you’re THE DWARF
- You can throw it all into their faces…
- no… ruling them means spending money on them – let THEM be jealous of ME – sitting on my ruby throne…
- … and guarding against them…
- freaking dwarves… dark elves… maybe even LEGION
- Especially dragons…
- but I can do it – I’ve done it before… i can do it again….
- Suddenly, after crossing under a seemingly innocent stoneway, a magical effect triggers
- all of a sudden, the area in front of the heroes is not like what they just passed through
- illusion? a trap? teleportation?
- Ahead of them – bronze errants – like exaggerated examples of perfectly-shaped dwarves – fully created by bronze, wielding huge axes
- they each look a little different
- the craftsmanship is off the charts
- Behind them, the clearly undead
- weraing very ancient armor
- carrying some kind of whips
- carrying standard of a dwarf lineage even Puki doens’t recognize
- They all look at Puki with recognition and order their errants to attack
- After the battle, legion moves to examine the bodes of the Royal Bearers who stole Legion‘s staff and cloak
- Legion tries to discern the nature of them having disappeared, but Puki can tell they are close
- Legion leans heavily against the cold stone wall of the cave without his staff to lean on
- the heroes continue inwards, travelling for almost 2 hours
- then the cavern tunnels get a bit tighter, and those that sweat, start to as the temperature goes up…
- upon entering the cavern, Puki is remembering things now… as if he was there…
- a battle of a large red dragon took place here
- many dwarven bodies still lying around… an old bridge that used to be there has long been destroyed
- but the carcass of the dragon’s tail kept it traversible
- puki feels his pride swelling – stupid creature thought it could tkae MY treasure…
- as they approach the bridge… the suits of armor and corpses start to animate
- Puki is hugely invigorated by these last two combats
- rushes across the bridge to continue
- another 2+ hours pass
- Legion is growing very tired, even Nidalru feels it but Idris is unphased and PUki seems almost energetic
- finally – puki is proved right… a vast hoard awaits!
- the eerie quiet is disturbed only by the low trickle of water far below
- Legion casts “Invisibility Purge” to see if there are any guards, then approaches the hoard to see if his items are lying on top of the pile
- As legion approaches, Puki joins him. His eyes gleam with the light from the gold
- Puki: Get back, Legion.
- Legion seems taken aback, but does as his friend asks
- P: Move your minion away from here (legion obliges)
- Legion, cleraly suspicious of Puki‘s attitude decides to test him a bit
- P: of course it’s my gold – it’s my treasure map
- Legion: is there a problem? As Puki climbs into the hoard
- P: There is no problem – the treasure is mine – you can leave now
- Nidalru – intrigued by her companion’s behaviour creeps closer
- Puki rushes to intercept and says, “you are not to enter here.
- really? you found this all on your own? you didn’t come here all by yourself – you didn’t win on your own, we were
- P: helping me? I kept you alive just so i could get here – your job is done. Now I will live here, with my treasure.
- Legion tries to subtly cast Mage Hand and take a gem from the hoard so that Puki sees it
- Noticing, Puki‘s eyes flash red – the rage rises, and at the same time, the fallen icon rises from the hoard:
“Leave My Son Alone….”
- The Gold King looks at Puki and gestures to the treasure hoard, “Take it.”
- leaping into the water far below, the Gold King disappears into the dark water