- Hanging out at Condon‘s (The Freighter)
- The dwarves of Hildebrande have orders to be ‘cordial’ with Puki
- they’re reminded tha Puki was instrumental in driving the derro out of their mines
- Puki still rents a room out of Condon‘s
- Legion moves all the furniture out from in front of the door of the library and comes out from his study seclusion
- The heroes waiting for Merian when one of the acolyte’s from the church (the one you’ve seen a couple of times now) walks in timidly, sees the heroes, and hands Idris a note before being dismissed
- it’s from Merian – says she’s following up a lead on the Cult of the Devourer – she’ll find us when she has more
- Heroes choose to leave Merian to her investigations in Hildebrande
- Idris shares information with the rest of the group that there had been an infiltration at teh temple and one of the artifacts was stolen
- Legion lets the heroes know that he has issued a correspondence to The Archmage advising him of who I am and where I’m from, and that the wards protecting this realm are almost certainly failling – and the lightning elementals – and the ship – and request an audience.
- Idris‘ suspicions nag at him… that there is a connection between The Syndicate and The Cult of The Devourer
- The heroes are reminded that the information they received directed them TO Baron Voth‘s was given by The Syndicate in the hopes that the Baron would simply kill them
- This makes the 2nd time The Syndicate has tried to have them killed
- Idris brings the heroes to the Training Center of the Temple of the GGW
- Even though some of the party are considered ‘unsavory’ the knights, we all get a lot of credit because Idris was literally brought back to life by the GGW – so we all get a +
- The knights protect their artifacts and valuable items in the protected, vaulted chamber
- Some are tarped and protected because many of us are not knights
- an empty spot has candles around it
- what we brought back was considered holy & sacred so they had a row of Everburning Candles around it, and the Golden Knights would come and meditate in the presence of the skull… granting a purity of purpose… certainty and wisdom… all granted after meditating
- some of hte more mystical thought they could actually access the dreams of the GGW on their own instead of the GGW helping – that they could enter the dreamscape themselves… uncertain, though
- Nidalru and Legion try to learn more about the theft:
- Nidalru inspects the lines of hte floor – looking for tracks and a means by which the huge skull could have been moved, especially considering the heroes had to use a wagon
- Since Idris said that the thieves ‘melted out of the shadows’, Legion began to investigate what kind of trace that 2-dimensional thieves might leave – his ability to ‘look between the cracks’ that normal investigators might
- Legion shows the heroes how shadow teleportation works
- he also informs them about The Shadowfell, and conversely, The Feywild
- Legion finally says… “Portal Magic. But they would have had to make it more transportable first… they would have turned it into Shadow Stuff.”
- Legion explains how the Plane of Shadow can be manipulated into objects, but those who REALLY understand it, know that everything that casts a shadow, can be turned into shadow. That’s how they left with such a heavy prize.”
- Nidalru and Legion discerned that the skull was removed by agents familar with both shadow and portal magic
- Ursel asks Idris to leave the room with her
- U: Now’s the part where you explain to me why I shouldn’t be upset why an agent of the POS is in that room. Can you account for her whereabouts?
- I: I trust her. She’s been adventuring with me since the beginning – since we were taske with protecting Bong & Legion. She hasn’t showed any signs of betrayal – she’s been very loyal. While they may look the part of what we think is evil, they are not
- U: I’m not bringing this up because of some racism or bias, but because it’s obviously a job done by The Prince… and let me remind you as th eperson who you came to about that dream, she was not in that dream – she grafted yourself on to that group. Did you ever ask her why she wanted it brought to Eldolan?
- I: I have not.
- U: I used to be an adventurer myself – there’s all sorts of trickery out there – you’re sure she says who she says she is?
Idris is reminded, they’rve all had suspicions before.
- I: Yes – I’m sure
- U: I wish I could be that sure… what’s obvious to me is that the POS is behind this. Somethin gelse – Merian came to me expressing concern about having an agent of the POS with her. I know you’ve brought Milo to Eldolan is done, right? Now… I know she has her own personal experiences with agents of hte prince – her sister’s body has still never been found… this does not look good. The prince who’s known to steal everything? I’m not going to tell you stop adventuring or including her, if she is an enemy, close is better than far, but Idris keep an open mind and be wary – don’t just assume that she’s been good to you so far that she’ll remain that way. Sleeper agents lay quiet for years.
- I: I will keep an eye out
- U: Can I ask you get the skull back?
- I: That was always my intention, but I must ask that you and the rest of the knights look for a more secure hiding place – we can’t rely on this place anymore
- U: Yes – you are right. Keep an eye open and find the skull.
- I: If they are who you say they are, their lives will end by my hand.
- U: I trust your judgement.
- I: We thank you much for your help, but now we must retrieve the skull, and you can help with that too. Whoever did this has started a war with the Knights, one they wish they’ll never have started…
- The Moathouse was a copule of days travel – further than the marsh where the heroes fought the basilisk
- travel to meet with Baron Voth at the moathouse
MONTAGE! (reveal something about your character)
- Puki admits he now shares dreams/the past visions of The Stone Thief
- he shares a vision he had when The Stone Thief attacked the castle where The Provost was…
- In the description, we now know he was a Knight of The Crusader and the vision started with him berating someone in his command and he’s using his powerful glare and it has something to do with some item in the keep that was supposed to be kept under guard – all of a sudden, there’s chaos in the keep, and The Provost grabs a powerful staff, and he goes to investigate himself
- He sees a demon with huge head of a dog, muscular body, pincers for 2 of his 4 arms – the Provost is about to engage the creature when The Stone Thief attacks and things started falling in
- The Provost wants to attack the demon but breaks off and sprints up stairs for a tower, and as he enteres the tower there’s a woman and a child who are screaming for him
- He’s not stern – it’s the face of a desperate man – the tower the woman and child are in falls into the maw of the stone thief
- He leaps into the air into the maw of the stone thief – he sees orcs pouring out of the maw into the lands around, but he doesn’t care – the woman and child are his only focus
- Legion admits he feels the Lich King‘s gaze has never left him
- Legion talks about how he did come to this place in pursuit of a shard, but quite by accident
- he says they won’t be safe until he leaves
- Nidalru tells a story of having stolen a statue of significance
- I know Ursel didn’t trust me…
- I: you know the implications, don’t you?
- N: before I did join, in my earlier days…
- in my line fo work, I had to find jobs. One time I was approached and asked to relieve a special item from a building. A bit of risk, not too much detail, however, when I did get to the job, I realized I was being leveredged to take something from the Knights.
- A prized relic statue, nothing like the Dragon Skull, but I did take it
- Once I collected hte bounty, i realized i was duped by one of the enemies of the GGW, perhaps not allies to the POS, but they did not survive the reveal.
- Perhaps Ursel sensed this – but I wanted you to know that I had nothing to do with the Dragon Skull’s theft.
Roberto: and now i have a really nice statue in my home
- Idris: I trust you, Nidalru.
- Legion – you mention the artifact, but do you know why it’s theft scares me? It’s that it’s been found at all – I would have preferred it stay hidden.
- looking around at his friends he continues:
- This story was given to me in my 1st dream
- In the 1st age when the GGW plugged the abyss, there was an item – something that the Diabolist and the Three were going to use to kill the GGW and erase him from the histories, freeing them
- a Brave group of knights and other adventurers managed to secure that item and take it to a holy site, whree they sundered it into 6 holy relics – lost through the ages…
- … until now.
- As some of you know, I died when I retrieved the first one
- The 2nd one we retrieved in Harrowdale
- So the story goes that if these 6 are ever reunited, and the item could be reformed, and have the power again to destroy the GGW – freeing up the abyss
- Two have bene found in the matter of months when previously lost for ages
- we can’t let the othres found or fall into the hands of those who would use them to do evil
- Something is coming… we have to find out what it is… and stop it.
- The next day, the civilized roads become more and more scarce.
- Up ahead, a covered wagon approaches
- 40yr old man dressed like a wealthy farm and a young girl at his side
- She’s whittling wood with a knife and he’s talking idly
- 14yr old girl with thin hair like straw – buck teeth eyes grow wide when seeing the adventurers
- says, “Hello Strangers, where you headed? Maybe I can give you a lift? As you can see – my daughter would be welcome for your company
- I: Where you headed?
- Farmer: Well, we’re on our way to a small village on the demon coast near the Golden Citadel. I’m guessing you’ve heard of it… the citadel i mean. I’ve got wares to sell, and if hs’es good, I’ll get her a nice dress? Is it on your way?
- I: That’s not the direction we are headed
- F: All right then, I had a feeling you’re men and women on a mission – you have that look. Perhaps if you’re every in Hildebrande, I have a little farm – My name’s Job – a home cooked meal
- I: You’re from Hildebrande?
- F: Just on the outskirts – a small house – good tilling near the coast. Looks around – and no shortage of magicians to help ‘nudge the weather’. its’ a good life. It’s a good life – an Emperor who cares about us, An Archmage who can do stuff that men can only dream of a Priestess who looks after our faith and keeps us humble and pious – not everyone appreciates ti, you know?
- Nidalru: What’s your business in _____?
- F: Sometime’s the harvest is good, so i have more to sell beyond Hildebrande. Good prices in _____
While the farmer is distracted in conversation, Legion tries to surreptiously see what’s in his cart/carriage, but sees nothing out of the ordinary.
- I: We can travel for a short while with you, but then our ways must part.
Some of the heroes take the ride, and the girl is giddy with excitement.
- The farmer talks often about farming and a lot of smalltalk with Idris
- Nidalru shows the little girl some tricks with the dagger
- Legion tosses her a couple of gold coins as the carriage moves away
- Return to the moathouse
- A guttural voice and huge creature calls out, “Stop right there”. Huge, muscled
- You match the description but we were expecting 5
- Idris: The 5th won’t be joining us tonight
- Hmm…. follow me.
- The moathouse is familiar
- takes us down the stairs where we fought the Lich Countess and killed he rpet Black Basilisk
- Baron Voth and The Lich are both there
- the lich glares and readies a spell, but Voth
- BV: Now, now,… they’re our guests, remember? Now is not the time for your petty schemes of vengeance, my dear. I tol you i would get you another basilik
- Lich: They’re not easy to find…
- BV: And yet… I’ve made the promise. And as you can ask our friends here, my promise means everything. I can’t trust you with them, so must leave at once… do it.
- She looks like she’s considering taking him on but grabs her staff and moves to leave, and as she walks past, you feel it grow cold. She looks at Legion and chuckles, and keeps walking
- Baron Voth seats himself in a huge leather chair – with crystal goblet with red liquid… not wine
- BV: I believe you’ve come with news for me?
- Nidalru has Eleodra Malfador‘s ring
- Looking at them, his eyes are watery… well… not water… blood.
- BV: So? She was fine?
- N: We managed to free her – we got there just in time, my compatriots will tell you the same story – they had been captured by a Cult of the Sun.
- N: We were able to free her, and once we gave her your message, she gave us the ring:
- BV: Did she have a message for me?
- I: She thought you a fool…
- BV: Of course she does… did she have anything else to say?
- PukI: She might call you a fool, you could see the love in her eyes she still shares for you
- BV: You have my gratitude – she’s a remarkable woman – I don’t supposed you got to spend any time with her?
- I: Unfortunately, not much
- BV: I imagine she wreaked some terrible vengeance on these cultists? Yeah
- N: She sure did…
- BV: How did you leave things? Did she say what her plans were?
- N: In the confusion of the battle, she took revenge on some of the cultists, but disappeared like the wind even before we ourselves were able to escape
- BV: Didn’t bother to say goodbye to her saviours? That sound slike her. Well mortals, my newfound allies, you’ve made me happy, at least as much as I can be in this life. So, i will fulfill my end of our bargain:
- I will not kill you for killing all the refugees seeking sanctuary and ensure their allies do not pursue you
- I will tell you how and when it is best to reach the head of The Syndicate – Rasputin. You can look in your little city for years on end, and you will never find him. He cannot be reached through any man-made doorway, window, or trap door.
- Moving to touch Nidalru‘s head, he grabs you and leans in and whispers, “You’re quite beautiful”, if you allow me to kiss you, you’ll remain beautiful forever – how does that sound? Feel the strength I have – feel the power coursing through my veins. I’m offering to share this gift with you – so you can be for me as I was for Eleodra – what say you?
- N: I was put in this world to serve my people – I appreciate it, but I’m sure there’s something else who can be by your side
- BV: When – not if – you change your mind – find me again. With his other hand, he presses her head to his, and all his throughts rush into your mind
- You relaized he has seen more than a few ages of The Dragon Empire and the enormity of his mind and his perspective – Dazing Nidalru – it doesn’t look exactly hostile
- Nidalru screams – her head pressed against his chest, kisses her on teh forehead, picks her up like a toy, puts her in his chair, then moves to liquor bottles, and pours her wine, “You’ll feel better”
- BV: I’ve imparted upon your beautiful friend here the information to gain access to Rasputin‘s lair – it requires portal magic.
- BV: Though he is in Hildebrande, thought not in the normal dimensional way you could access
- When she recovers, the information will come to her slowly, as if she’s rmeember something she learned a long time ago
- Whil,e waiting for her, if you would follow me please?
- Leads the heroes to a room full of treasure
- Rasputin is a canny foe – I am tired of this game with mortals – I need to make sure you kill him. Find something in this room – it’s a gift.
- BV: I’d offer you stay, but… (knowing we wouldn’t want to)
- Idris thanks him, “Should we bring news of our battle with Rasputin to you when we’re done?”
- BV: Thank you that’s very kind. I’d also One more thing, if you should find anyone for whatever reason finds themselves needing protection from the agnets of their iicon, you’ll tell them of this place, yes? After your last visit, I think I’ll beef up security, but people need a place to hide…
- Idris: Now that we know the purpose of this establishment, we will do
- BV: If you only you had asked us before…
- He actually feels responsible
- Idris: We are sorry too – in our line of work that people who come at us with swords are considered friends
- BV: I supposed it’s my fault – you ask orcs to be your first line of defense and they become your offense
- Idris: the dark elves were the ones who ambushed us…
- BV: Of course they were… yes… dark elves are known to be master ambushers. Fare thee well, Gentlement – I do not expect we will see each other again.
Back in the Baron Voth‘s treasure room…
Legion traced his finger over the many items strewn carelessly over one of the many huge tables in the room; items of incredible monetary and magical value seemed everywhere. It looked like the items were tossed into the room from the door recklessly, as if the Baron thought nothing of them.
Is that what a truly ancient being thinks of such things? Legion thought to himself. He said he’s seen ages… two? More?
Swords, jewelry, bracers, a myriad of wondrous items, all lying without order or intent. Pairs of gloves, wands, bracers, even jerkins and a few sets of armor… is that… blood? Legion smirked slightly at the thought.
Legion thought how this room alone might fund an entire army… such were these items’ value.
But in the flickering torchlight from the walls, Legion‘s gaze caught a different light… was that… yes…
Behind a large vase easily as big as Kindra was, Legion saw a helm… ornate even from a distance, lying on its side, it’s crest facing the wall.
Surely Legion wasn’t seeing things… it had a glow to it… like… well… like Idris‘ sword… not power in the helm… but…. good?
Reaching out, Legion righted the heavy helm and turned it towards him. Coated in a fine layer of dust, the helm was unmistakably old. And old style, even. Like the proud helms worn by holy warriors Legion had known years before… many. years. before.
The helm was faintly carved with fine lines that made it look a little like… well… masonry, actually…
Touching it, Legion noted immediately the aura he could see… reacted… did it shrink from his touch? Again… yes… certainly magical. Extradimensional, even.
Legion‘s thoughts immediately went to Merian; back in Hildebrande, risking her life investigating alone.
What do good people do? Legion thought. Do they think of others for no reason? Do they give when nothing is asked for?
Legion knew he was alive only because of his companions in this strange place; how many times had Merian shielded him from his assailants? Soon perhaps as many as Puki‘s holy magic he thought sarcastically.
The helm stared back at Legion from it’s shelf, the strange aura still glimmering from it that perhaps only Legion could see.
Grabbing the master-crafted helm with both hands, Legion placed it in his pack, glad the trip back to Hildebrande would not be a long one.
This is right; this is fate. he told himself.
- As they leave, Nidalru begins to have the visions Baron Voth talked about
- She realizes they’ll hve to start going through portals like hte ones Legion found
- THey stumble across Job’s wagon, but the horses are gone
- They were a weeping, and no signs of violence
- Legion watches the perimeter suspiciously
- Holding aloft his blade, Idris Detects Evil…
- Nope! Something’s wrong… it’s a trap!
- A very deep voice calls out… “Yes, it is”.
- The whole thing starts to waver and shake… and illusory magic that was covering the entire clearning fades away to reveal their foes
- The Despoiler Mage calls out “He wanted them dead… no prisoners.”
- Just before Nidalru finishes the Ogre Mage, she asks, “Who sent you?”
- The Ogre mage with its dying breath says… “Rasputin.”
- What that means is
- As you were discussing what to do… The Syndicate knew.
- Somehow.
- Where we were?
- What were we talking about?
- The heroes think on this as they travel back to Hildebrande
- They drop it at The Freighter
- Condon approaches and without asking – he serves warm, spiced ale
- Oh… yes, here – he pulls out a note with a seal
- Golden Wax – picture of The Wyrm – slides it over
- From that big lady you guys like to hang out with
- “Temple. As soon as you read this. Urgent”
- Idris without touching the wine gets up to leave
- Puki takes both mugs nad follows
- Getting to the temple, Walking up on the outside (late at night)
- Temple of Makaria
- Walk in, beautiful architecture, beautiful status, same altarserver sees us, runs to get someone, wait a couple of minutes, and from the back, comes Itotia and Merian.
- Itotia comes forward and asks are you all right, do you need any healing?
- Idris: I’m fine – and they are too
- Merian: I’ve been looking at concatcts to know if anyone’s talking about The Stone Thief. And also, remember we said we’re looking for anyone part of a group who’s being hunted? I found both, but you’re not going to believe this. Someone who’s been mentioned about the stone thief AND a hunted adventure group. I’d better just let her explain…
- Merian brings a slight figure wearing wizard robes, hood drawn… pulls the hood back.
- Casila Artalin